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Oil and Gas Law » CML20

Oil and Gas Law

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24 Mar - 28 Mar, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
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02 Jun - 06 Jun, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
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10 Mar - 14 Mar, 2025Almaty5 Days$5375Register
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20 Oct - 24 Oct, 2025London5 Days$5905Register
01 Dec - 05 Dec, 2025Mauritius5 Days$5375Register

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Course Overview

Oil and gas law is a part of natural resources law that deals with the search for crude oil, natural gas, and other hydrocarbons, as well as their production, transportation, and processing. The regulation of oil and gas extraction falls within the purview of the legal discipline known as “oil and gas law.” The ownership of the legal right to mine for oil and gas is determined by the legislation governing the oil and gas industry. When it comes to the extraction of oil and gas, the conditions that miners are required to adhere to are determined by this.

What sectors of the Oil and Gas industry are governed by the body of regulations? Oil and gas law refers to the body of statutes, regulations, and case law that typically governs these three sectors of the oil and gas industry: Upstream refers to the “E&P” business, which entails the actual exploration for and production of oil and gas. Midstream involves the gathering, handling, depositing, distributing, and marketing of produced oil and gas. And downstream refers to the refining of crude oil, the selling and final transmission of natural gas, and other products from crude oil.

Why does it become necessary to learn about oil and gas law? Understanding oil and gas legislation is essential for the smooth operation of oil and gas enterprises. It is a vital field of law that supports the energy industry and ensures that landowners get a good deal when they lease out their property. Laws about oil and gas are those that regulate the industry, from exploration to production to distribution to ownership to management to consumption. The array of legal challenges that a business faces during the normal course of operations is vast. As a result of the variety and intricacy of these concerns, adequate knowledge about the area is warranted.

Certification in Oil and Gas Law from Zoe Talent Solutions will cover a wide range of topics from mineral ownership, mineral conveyance, and the Oil and Gas Lease, to mineral operations contracts and transfers. This course will present an overview of natural resources law, as well as considerations of other areas of law that influence oil and gas law. Throughout the certification, the Oil and Gas Lease form will be used often. This course covers the most important legal concerns in the oil and gas business. Participants will have the knowledge and abilities to comprehend and deal with a wide range of oil and gas legal challenges after completing the course. Overall, the course’s major objective is to develop a working knowledge of how several basic legal concepts apply to non-contractual matters in the oil and gas business.

Course Objectives

Certification in Oil and Gas Law by Zoe Talent Solutions aims to fulfil the following objectives:

  • To gain an understanding and comprehend the legal ideas that govern oil and gas contracts.
  • To develop in-depth knowledge of licensing, production sharing, and service agreements
  • To recognize risk factors and put in place appropriate contractual terms to mitigate such risks
  • To gain leadership and negotiation experience
  • To understand significant methodologies available to identify, analyse and manage contractual risks
  • To handle force majeure and obligations clauses
  • To look closely at critical clauses in oil and gas contracts
  • To understand the best supply chain management methods
  • To learn how to deal with international oil and gas challenges

Training Methodology

The training will utilize the following training methods:

  • Lectures presenting important aspects of the subject’s content, explaining difficult ideas
  • Use of relevant case studies, practical exercises, and business examples
  • Setting the stage for individual self-study
  • Interactive learning using discussions
  • Preparation of technical reports, analysis, and design calculations
  • Essays, projects, and design exercises
  • Oral presentations

This training, like all our outstanding courses, follows the “Do-Review-Learn-Apply” format.

Organisation Benefits

This certification course from Zoe Talent Solutions will benefit an organization in the following ways:

  • Participants will be able to implement cutting-edge crude oil testing equipment to ensure the correctness of data and findings, hence improving organisational trust during contractual arrangements
  • Participants that recognize risks and hurdles in trade and act quickly to remove them, reduce negative effects on organisational development
  • The organization will witness trustworthy assessments and evaluations which will increase credibility and attract new investors
  • Participants will develop the ability to anticipate and deal with issues and repercussions associated with energy contracts
  • Organizations will be able to create risk management methodologies that may be used in oil and gas contracts

Personal Benefits

The Certification in Oil and Gas Law will benefit the participants in the following ways:

  • Gaining an understanding of the legal rules affecting contract validity will enhance career prospects in the Oil and Gas sector
  • Participants will be able to improve their ability to utilise the fundamental legal tools available in English law in discussion and problem-solving scenarios
  • Understand the links that bind the parties to a Production Sharing Agreement
  • Participants will gain perspective on the legal nature of contractual agreements and the relationship between enterprises given a license to perform oil and gas exploration and exploitation
  • Understand the current scenario, including the relevant bidding method and the defects that are impeding the development of the Oil and Gas industry
  • Examine the current legal and regulatory framework, as well as the primary players involved in exploration and production activities, which will set apart participants from peers in the industry

Who Should Attend?

All levels of individuals working in any area of project procurement and implementation in the oil and gas business will benefit from the course. It will help people from a variety of professions to realize and comprehend the complexity of this sector, as well as how to appropriately manage risk. This training course is excellent for a wide spectrum of professionals; however, the following will benefit greatly:

  • Lawyers
  • Legal Counsel, Legal Managers
  • Managers of Commercial and Business
  • Administrators and Managers of Contracts
  • Professionals in the commercial, financial, and insurance sectors
  • General and Project Management

Course Outline

Module 1: Quantitative Methods in Economics and Management Decisions

  • Organizational Behaviour in Business Communication
  • Management of Operations
  • Marketing Administration
  • Management Principles and Practices
  • An Overview of Information System Management
  • Fundamentals of the Oil and Gas Industry
  • Petroleum Exploration Fundamentals
  • Accounting in the Petroleum Industry

Module 2: Contract Administration and Project Management

  • Methods of Business Research
  • Human Resource Administration
  • Communication Among Executives
  • Understanding of the Natural Gas Industry
  • Refining Fundamentals
  • Petroleum Financial Administration
  • Electives in the Program

Module 3: Data Analytics and Oil & Gas Applications

  • Strategic Leadership
  • Professional in Executive Communication
  • Petroleum Economics
  • Project Financing in the Petroleum Sector
  • Petroleum Industry Supply Chain & Logistics
  • Summer Internship

Module 4: Joint Operating Agreements

  • A joint venture’s nature, goal, and functions
  • Joint Operating Agreements
  • Approval from the government
  • The JOA’s main points
  • Goal and scope: participating interest

Module 5: Operators

  • Operator’s Authority
  • Standard of operation for the operator
  • The liability of the operator is limited.
  • Non-operators’ power over operators
  • The operator is no longer employed.
  • Committee of Management
  • Provisions for sole risk and non-consent
  • Contracts and agreements with suppliers

Module 6: Agreements on Transportation

  • Transporting oil and gas
  • Matrix of contracts for petroleum transportation
  • The interconnected structure of the contract chain

Module 7: Transportation Agreements and Pipelines

  • Ownership of the pipeline by the producer
  • TPA stands for Third Party Access.
  • TPA phrases that are commonly used
  • Quality requirements and a common stream
  • Attribution, measurement, and allocation
  • Send or pay/minimum bill/quantity transportation fees

Module 8: Contracts of Sale

  • Supply and depletion contracts are compared and contrasted.
  • Quantities of gas and nominations
  • Accept or pay the buyer’s obligations
  • Facility upkeep is essential.
  • Gaseous specifications
  • Termination, force majeure, and dispute resolution
  • Gas contract price

Module 9: Mediation

  • Negotiation of oil and gas
  • Importance of negotiation oil and gas in industry
  • Negotiation based on principals

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