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Implementing Ethics, Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Compliance Training Course » PSM03

Implementing Ethics, Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Compliance Training Course

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10 Mar - 14 Mar, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
16 Jun - 27 Jun, 2025Live Online10 Days$7050Register
07 Sep - 11 Sep, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
14 Dec - 18 Dec, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
24 Mar - 28 Mar, 2025Nairobi5 Days$5475Register
21 Apr - 25 Apr, 2025London5 Days$5905Register
12 May - 16 May, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
02 Jun - 13 Jun, 2025Cairo10 Days$10825Register
21 Jul - 25 Jul, 2025London5 Days$5905Register
11 Aug - 15 Aug, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
21 Sep - 25 Sep, 2025Muscat5 Days$5475Register
20 Oct - 24 Oct, 2025London5 Days$5905Register
17 Nov - 21 Nov, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
14 Dec - 25 Dec, 2025Doha10 Days$10825Register

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Course Overview:

Ethics are basic rules that define moral conduct and behaviour in an organisation. In the public sector, ethics are largely responsible for instilling accountability and transparency among professionals. Ethical management in the public sector deals with issues such as bribery, political and/or police corruption, biased or manipulated regulatory and/or legislative practices, conflicts of interest, etc.

While ethical and unethical behaviour can be easily understood theoretically, in practice, the two are not always clearly distinguishable. This, in turn, puts to test accurate and appropriate decision-making and next steps, for which, the primary decision-makers–senior managers and leaders–need to be well equipped to not only identify and understand unethical practices and behaviour but also devise relevant next steps and the future course of action.

With the expanse of the impact of the public sector through the delivery of public services, there is an urgent requirement to maintain ethical standards of behaviour and conduct to ensure smooth functioning and justice to employees and the public. Lack of management or mismanagement of ethics and the value system of an organisation could encourage corruption, the biggest challenge to the overall development of the public sector.

Corruption in public sector operations arises when there is political interference in decision-making or there is a concerning imbalance between demand and supply of any kind. Society too can either encourage or curb corruption. Senior managers need to be aware of how to ensure good work ethics and corruption-free operations. They can also help introduce good work practices and help employees see value and importance in their job roles and their contribution to society.

This sense of connect and ownership will ensure that employees are closely connected to the organisation and do not encourage or participate in any unethical or corruption-related practice. Each public sector organisation should also have an independent audit committee to look at things holistically and prevent malpractice from seeping into its operations.

Most often, problems related to ethics and misconduct occur because of inappropriate implementation of change and lack of communication of the change by senior managers. Unethical work conduct and corruption impact public sector professionals as well as the public as these could lead to a compromise on the quality of services delivered. Thus, understanding ethics and corruption and their impact on service delivery will help senior managers carry out their roles and responsibilities optimally.

Setting appropriate standards, ensuring all possible legal permissions and changes have been made and timely institutional reform are key aspects that could help improve ethical standards and prevent corruption.

This ZOE training (Implementing Ethics in work) course will empower you with a complete understanding and in-depth experience on effective ethical management and prevention of corruption, especially for senior managers, since they are confronted with such situations most often and need to be able to make the best decisions for their organisation, employees and the public.

By undertaking this Implementing Ethics, Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Compliance Training Course, you will not only improve your sense of accountability but will create a healthy, fun and conducive work environment for your employees. This course will prepare you to effectively handle any corruption- or ethics-related concerns with respect to the delivery of public services.

Through this course, you will be capable of handling more roles and responsibilities and challenging decision-making. This would, in turn, help you pave a definite growth path for yourself in your organisation.

Course Objectives

The main objective of this Implementing Ethics, Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Compliance Training Course is to empower senior public sector professionals with:

  • Complete awareness of all possibilities of corruption and unethical practices in the public sector so as to keep a check, identify any such practices in time and address them immediately.
  • The necessary skills and capabilities to identify unethical behaviour that will impact the delivery of high-quality public services.
  • The knowledge of different tools and techniques that can be adapted to control and eradicate the slightest scope of internal (among employees) and external (external political pressure or the public) corruption.
  • Awareness of a code of conduct for oneself to be able to set an example to one’s subordinates.
  • The necessary knowledge and information as well as experience to frame policies that are related to the organisational culture and service delivered by the organisation.

Training Methodology

Zoe Talent Solutions highly customised face-to-face training module includes content delivery and explanation by the trainer, doubt resolution with trainees, group discussions, experience sharing by trainees, case study analyses, etc.

Trainees also discuss practical challenges and/or best practices of their respective organisations, which helps relate the knowledge and information gained through the training to their actual role at the workplace.

Zoe Talent Solutions follows a uniform training module across, and hence, this course is also delivered in the Do–Review–Learn–Apply Model.

Organisational Benefits

With public sector professionals attending the course, the organisation will benefit in the following ways:

  • A more informed, knowledgeable, conscious senior management who lead by example and are focused towards ensuring a value-driven, ethical work culture in the organisation
  • Unbiased, ethical decision making by senior management in the event of conflicts
  • Increased senior management participation and inputs in policymaking and standard-setting, thus ensuring that employees too identify with the standards of ethical behaviour and conduct and adhere to them
  • Clearer identification of unethical behaviour or misconduct or corruption and quicker resolutions to address and eliminate these
  • A corruption-free, ethical work environment and operations
  • High levels of transparency and accountability by senior managers and other public sector professionals
  • Increased customer satisfaction because of high-quality services

Personal Benefits

Through this Implementing Ethics, Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Compliance Training Course course, public sector professionals will derive the following benefits:

  • In-depth understanding of how to identify unethical behaviour and corruption within the organisation and beyond
  • Increased knowledge of tools and techniques to set standards of ethical behaviour/conduct and curb corruption
  • Increased decision-making ability in the event of conflict, unethical behaviour or corruption
  • Greater responsibility to ensure maintenance of a code of conduct within the organisation and towards its customers
  • Greater ability to mentor and train subordinates to work according to a given set of values and principles underlying good behaviour and corruption-free service delivery
  • Increased knowledge to play an important role in policymaking to suit employees, the culture of the organisation and the kind of services delivered
  • Increased satisfaction of customers high-quality service delivery

Who Should Attend?

  • Board Members, directors and other senior officials of a public sector organisation – to thoroughly understand all important aspects of ethical behaviour and corruption to be able to take action when needed and frame codes of conduct accordingly.
  • Investors and shareholders who are part of or want to be part of a firm’s delivery and function and need to ensure that the practices of an organisation are ethical and corruption-free.
  • Human resource experts who play a major role in creating a positive, performance-driven, value-driven work culture for ethical behaviour and corruption-free operations.
  • Auditors and compliance agents responsible for ensuring transparency and integrity of information to combat corruption.
  • Policymakers and other legal officers who would play a role in devising strategies and policies to maintain ethical practices within the organisation.
  • Any other public sector employee who would like to know more about how ethical behaviour can be maintained within an organisation and who would want to contribute to the elimination of corruption in the public sector.

Course Outline

The course will cover the following areas that are critical for a thorough understanding and successful implementation of ethical behaviour and corruption-free work culture and service delivery:

Module 1 – Importance of Ethics in the Public Sector

  • Accountability of public sector professionals towards citizens
  • Integrity in operations
  • Ethical and professional code of conduct and behaviour
  • Law enforcement in a professional and unbiased manner
  • Transparency and timely communication with citizens, thus fostering trust

Module 2 – Features of Ethical Management

  • Determining and defining values
  • Guiding towards these values
  • Monitoring these values
  • Enforcing these values

Module 3 – Instruments to Manage Ethics and Corruption

  • Codes of ethics/conduct
  • Ethical committees
  • Ethical audits
  • Ethical policies and procedures
  • Ethical training and discussions by ethical counsellors
  • Ethical hotlines

Module 4 – Important Pointers When Setting Up an Ethical Framework

  • No one type suits all
  • Each element dependent on the other
  • Should be at institutional/organisational level

Module 5 – Components of a Code of Conduct

  • Relationship with the legislation
  • Relationship with the public
  • Relationship among employees
  • Performance of duties
  • Personal conduct

Module 6 – Types of Unethical Behaviour/Incidents in the Public Sector

  • Bribery, nepotism, theft, patronage
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Misuse of internal/confidential information for non-work purposes
  • Political and other forms of corruption
  • External pressure from influential persons or groups

Module 7 – Consequences of Unethical Conduct and Corruption

  • Minimum development of people and low economic development of the nation
  • Anarchy in society
  • Lack of investor confidence, resulting in lack of economic growth
  • Deterioration of citizens’ trust
  • Low state revenue, higher state expenditures

Module 8 – Challenges to Ethical Management

  • Corruption and unethical behaviour at the senior level
  • Lack of budgets for ethics-related training
  • Low wages that encourage corruption among public sector professionals
  • Lack of skill to frame policies, set standards and train employees on ethics
  • High involvement and authority to political leaders influencing value-driven decisions and operations

Module 9 – Success Factors of an Ethical and a Corruption-Free Work Culture

  • Senior management and employee training on ethical conduct and behaviour
  • Introduction of strong performance management systems for transparent and unbiased performance assessment
  • Introduction of a career progression system based solely on merit
  • Well-framed, fair HR policies
  • Legal adoption of the code of conduct of an organisation
  • Exemplary leadership

General Notes

  • All our courses can be facilitated as Customized In-House Training course.
  • Course duration is flexible and the contents can be modified to fit any number of days.
  • As for Open Enrolment Courses, we offer our clients the flexibility to choose the location, date, and time and our team of experts who are spread around the globe will assist in facilitating the course.
  • The course fee includes facilitation, training materials, 2 coffee breaks, buffet lunch and a Certificate of successful completion of Training.
  • FREE Consultation and Coaching provided during and after the course.

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