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International Social Security Association (ISSA) Guidelines » BII27

International Social Security Association (ISSA) Guidelines

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16 Feb - 20 Feb, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
31 Mar - 04 Apr, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
14 Apr - 18 Apr, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
05 May - 09 May, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
28 Jul - 01 Aug, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
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27 Oct - 31 Oct, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
16 Nov - 20 Nov, 2025Doha5 Days$5475Register
08 Dec - 12 Dec, 2025London5 Days$5905Register

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Course Overview

Social security, a prime focus of most organisations, particularly public sector organisations, is a system defined to provide monetary support to people with inadequate or no income, in times of contingencies and emergencies, such as old age, disability, incapacity, etc.

It is key to long-term social and economic development. Social security in the labour market is favourable to employment, and each of its measures or initiatives contribute as incentives to economic activity. Social security also has a far-reaching impact on health, thus fostering a young, dynamic, educated, healthy population for economic growth.

The International Social Security Association (ISSA) is the world’s leading international organisation for social security institutions, government and public sector departments and agencies. This association strives to achieve excellence in social security administration through professional guidelines and expert services and to support dynamic social security policies and systems worldwide.

ISSA has a standard set of guidelines for organisations to refer to in areas of service quality, investment of funds, good governance, etc. The changing business landscape and work culture is a pressing need for more social security and additional social security measures.

The ISSA guidelines, through the various areas of focus, aim to achieve operational and economic efficiency, greater coverage of social security, and dynamic social security, with the latter gaining focus because of its approach towards proactive and preventive measures, with occupational health and safety being at the heart of all its functions.

The ISSA guidelines aim to cover all important aspects requiring social security coverage, such as disability, employment, family policies, health, occupational risks, old age, survivors, etc.

While most public sector organisations are increasing their focus and attention towards social security, ensuring equal and complete coverage of social security measures and initiatives is a key challenge faced by such organisations. In addition, demographic changes, financing and investment, migration, management and technology pose different challenges.

Therefore, in order to ensure that social security initiatives and measures are implemented successfully and fruitfully, public sector professionals need to thoroughly understand social security, the purposes and objectives of social security measures and, most importantly, the ISSA guidelines, as these confirm that all necessary aspects requiring security are covered in the most appropriate manner.

This ZOE training course will empower you with in-depth knowledge and information about social security and related initiatives so that you are well informed while partaking in the creation and implementation of social security policies and measures.

Further, the detailed coverage of the International Social Security Association and its related guidelines will broaden your perspective and will provide you with the necessary knowledge, exposure and confidence to play an active role in introducing new and innovative social security measures within your organisation, while also safeguarding the interest of your organisation and its objectives.

Through this course, you will acquire the required skillset and competency to interact and work at organisational and larger levels, thus increasing your chances of career growth and opportunities. By undertaking this course, you will also be building your capacity and capability to give back to society through security initiatives and plans to safeguard the interests of citizens.

Course Objectives

The main objective of this course is to empower public sector professionals with—

  • in-depth knowledge and understanding of social security and its increasing demand and focus in today’s changing landscape
  • complete information and overview of the International Social Security Association and its related guidelines and initiatives
  • experience and exposure to carry forth social security initiatives within the organisation
  • the required skill to identify areas requiring security and support and the adequate confidence to make suggestions and put forth ideas in line with introducing social security in these areas
  • the knowledge and capability to undertake policy creation and implementation around social security, in line with those of ISSA
  • adequate competency and capability to assume roles of higher responsibility and complexity because of the thorough understanding and knowledge of ISSA guidelines
  • a sense of satisfaction to play a role in helping those citizens who could do little to help themselves and safeguarding all others from any potential threats and risks
  • necessary skills and knowledge to drive social security within one’s organisation, thus broadening the scope for demonstrating capabilities, in turn fostering career growth and progression

Training Methodology

All courses and training in Zoe Talent Solutions are specific to the audience and are customised to the minutest detail to suit the trainee background and experience.

Besides presentations and delivery by the trainer, there are numerous group projects, competitions and quizzes to encourage teamwork and interaction and equal participation in the training. Relevant case studies are also discussed by the trainer to draw relevance to the course topic.

Further, the trainer examines and discusses the social security measures implemented and followed in each trainee’s organisation and maps the training content and study to these current initiatives to help the trainee relate to his/her current role and organisation and innovate to enhance the social security aspect in his/her organisation.

Like all Zoe Talent Solutions’ courses, this course follows the Do–Review–Learn–Apply model.

Organisational Benefits

By public sector professionals attending this course, their organisations will benefit in the following ways:

  • A workforce that is more informed and educated regarding social security and social security measures
  • A larger number of employees to help in social security initiatives, thus helping the organisation achieve greater coverage
  • More ideas and suggestions regarding social security and related policies and measures from employees who have undergone the course
  • Updated social security policies and guidelines, in line with ISSA guidelines, because of the knowledge and awareness gained by employees undertaking this course
  • Greater compliance and adherence to international standards
  • Happier employees and customers because of protection against risks and natural hindrances to their earning capacity

Personal Benefits

Public sector professionals attending the course will benefit in the following ways:

  • In-depth information and knowledge about social security, ISSA and ISSA guidelines
  • Increased ability to analyse current social security measures and offerings in one’s organisation and innovate to make them better or to broaden their scope
  • Greater confidence and understanding to examine current social security policies within one’s organisation or create new policies related to social security
  • Increased capability and skills to undertake more complex and sensitive roles and responsibilities within one’s organisation, demonstrating potential and competency and fostering faster growth and progression.
  • Increased opportunities for growth and career progression at a larger scale because of one’s skills, knowledge and understanding of internationally acceptable standards
  • Increased sense of job satisfaction because of added security and safeguarded interests of self, colleagues and lesser fortunate citizens

Who Should Attend?

  • Senior and top management of a public sector organisation who are responsible for passing decisions related to social security offerings and initiatives to be undertaken by the organisation
  • Investors who would be directly or indirectly involved in the social security measures and initiatives being undertaken by the organisation
  • HR and Accounts executives and managers who in some way are associated with the release of the social security funds to the relevant recipients
  • Policy creators and auditors to ensure that all policies are updated and reviewed regularly to cross-check compliance with internationally acceptable standards
  • Social security professionals and institutions whose main function and operations revolve around social security measures and initiatives
  • Any public sector professional interested in understanding international standards and guidelines around social security

Course Outline

The course will cover the following aspects important for complete understanding and knowledge of the International Social Security Association and its related guidelines:

Module 1 – Overview of the International Social Security Association (ISSA)

  • Definition of ISSA
  • Aims of ISSA
  • Activities are undertaken by ISSA
  • Statutory bodies of ISSA
    • The Bureau
    • The Council
    • The General Assembly
    • The Control Commission

Module 2 – Priorities of ISSA

  • Administrative and operational efficiency and effectiveness
  • Extension of social security coverage
  • Dynamic social security

Module 3 – Modes of Social Security as per ISSA

  • Social insurance programmes
  • Social assistance programmes
  • Universal programmes
  • Mutual benefit schemes
  • National provident funds

Module 4 – Challenges to Social Security as per ISSA

  • Demographic changes
  • Extension of coverage
  • Financing and investment
  • Administration and management
  • Information and communication technology
  • Migration

Module 5 – ISSA Guideline: Actuarial Work for Social Security

  • Definition
  • Objectives
  • Structure (Guidelines under the following parts)
    • Valuation of social security schemes
    • Operational management of social security systems
    • Investment issues
    • Reporting, communicating, disclosure
    • Risk management and analysis
    • Regulatory issues, standards, professional guidance
    • Policy and strategy issues
    • Actuarial expertise, staffing and training with the social security institution

Module 6 – ISSA Guideline: Administrative Solutions for Coverage Extension

  • Definition
  • Objectives
  • Structure (Guidelines under the following parts)
    • Assessment and contribution to the enabling requirement
    • Check for institutional readiness
    • Increase in awareness and outreach to difficult-to-cover groups
    • Development of a cost-effective registration system
    • Identification of proper solutions to collect contributions and increase compliance
    • Delivery of services and benefits in a timely, accurate, effective way

Module 7 – ISSA Guideline: Contribution, Collection and Compliance

  • Definition
  • Objectives
  • Structure (Guidelines under the following parts)
    • Governance
    • Strategy
    • Operational processes
    • Fraud control
    • Coordination with outside organisations
    • Induction of a culture of social security and compliance
    • Maturity of the programme and permanent evaluation and adjustment

Module 8 – ISSA Guideline: Good Governance

  • Definition
  • Objectives
  • Structure (Guidelines under the following parts)

Module 9 – ISSA Guideline: Information and Communication Technology

  • Definition
  • Objectives
  • Structure (Guidelines under the following parts)
    • Information and communication technology governance and management
    • Key technologies
    • Social security components

Module 10 – ISSA Guideline: Investment of Social Security Funds

  • Definition
  • Objectives
  • Structure (Guidelines under the following parts)
    • Investment governance principles
    • Investment governance structures
    • Common processes
    • Processes specific to internal and external investment management

Module 11 – ISSA Guideline: Prevention of Occupational Risks

  • Definition
  • Objectives
  • Structure (Guidelines under the following parts)
    • Basic conditions for prevention programmes
    • Prevention activities and services

Module 12 – ISSA Guideline: Return to Work and Reintegration

  • Definition
  • Objectives
  • Structure (Guidelines under the following parts)
    • Basic return-to-work conditions, principles and guidelines
    • Specific return-to-work principles and guidelines

Module 13 – ISSA Guideline: Service Quality

  • Definition
  • Objectives
  • Structure (Guidelines under the following parts)
    • Service quality framework
    • Development and delivery of service quality
    • Continuous improvement

Module 14 – ISSA Guideline: Workplace Health Promotion

  • Definition
  • Objectives
  • Structure (Guidelines under the following parts)
    • Basic conditions for workplace health promotion
    • Needs assessment and planning
    • Workplace health promotion activities and services

Module 15 – ISSA Guideline: Communication by Social Security Administrations

  • Definition
  • Objectives
  • Structure (Guidelines under the following parts)
    • Communication principles
    • Governance and management
    • Communication unit
    • Internal communication
    • External communication

Module 16 – ISSA Guideline: Promotion of Sustainable Employment

  • Definition
  • Objectives
  • Structure (Guidelines under the following parts)
    • Basic principles
    • Prevention
    • Information
    • Support
    • Benefits
    • Labour market and employment policies

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