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10 Day Intensive Training on Fundamentals and Dynamics of Petrochemicals Industry » OG81

10 Day Intensive Training on Fundamentals and Dynamics of Petrochemicals Industry

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24 Mar - 04 Apr, 2025Live Online10 Days$7735Register
28 Apr - 06 May, 2025Live Online7 Days$5075Register
08 Jun - 19 Jun, 2025Live Online10 Days$7735Register
30 Jun - 08 Jul, 2025Live Online7 Days$5075Register
18 Aug - 29 Aug, 2025Live Online10 Days$7735Register
08 Sep - 19 Sep, 2025Live Online10 Days$7735Register
01 Dec - 05 Dec, 2025Live Online5 Days$3785Register
10 Mar - 21 Mar, 2025Nairobi10 Days$11085Register
07 Apr - 18 Apr, 2025Kigali10 Days$11085Register
22 Jun - 03 Jul, 2025Doha10 Days$11085Register
04 Aug - 15 Aug, 2025Nairobi10 Days$11085Register
22 Sep - 03 Oct, 2025Houston10 Days$13175Register
20 Oct - 31 Oct, 2025Almaty10 Days$10655Register
08 Dec - 19 Dec, 2025Dubai10 Days$11085Register

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Course Overview

Are petrochemicals the future of the oil industry?

Oil and gas industries rely on fossil fuels. These are increasingly under two-fold pressure: one, from fast depletion of their reservoirs. The second is from environmental degradation that they cause when they are used and processed as raw materials in industries to make petroleum products. This ultimately causes greenhouse effects and global warming.

The recent COP26 declaration on environment may swing the direction of energy production and hence accelerate consumption of renewable and unconventional energy. Oil & gas industries using fossil fuel will be under increasing pressure to produce the downstream petrochemical products in the value chain. These products which are less greenhouse-producing relatively would plan to convert sizable part of their plants to convert petroleum products like petrol, diesel etc. into petrochemical products like chemicals, additives, High- and Low-Density Poly Ethylene. This will help the consumers with household plastic items, medical consumables and other consumer items. Though direct greenhouse effect/global warming may reduce relatively when using petrochemicals instead of petroleum products, other dimensions of environmental issues and management will arise such as that of waste management.

What is included in the petrochemical training course?

This Zoe course has been designed to let attendees know what a petrochemical industry is, what are its economic implications in new global context and what sustains a petrochemical industry with focus on fundamentals and dynamics. It will enable participants to learn more about the value of petrochemicals. And also, the success factors that can improve financial performance, help companies to survive during low prices and thrive when prices improve. Various factors, information, processes and systems which will be useful from perspective of an MBA curriculum are included. Some aspects of Quality Management System (QMS), Safety Management System (SMS) and Environmental Management System (EMS), with utilization of PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) are also included.

This Zoe training course will empower attendees with comprehensive knowledge of ‘Mini MBA-Fundamentals and Dynamics of Petrochemicals Industry’.

Course Objectives

This highly useful comprehensive course will equip the participants to:

  • Comprehend the basic oil & gas production, refining systems and the business of petrochemicals
  • Apply the petrochemical industry’s technical terms and concepts with stakeholders
  • Learn the petrochemicals value chain from the raw oil & gas to finished plastics, and other high value petrochemicals sophisticated material used in improving the quality of human lives
  • Augment knowledge of demand forecasting, sales contracts, prices, distribution, sales, etc.
  • Analyse the petrochemical markets, business strategies and petrochemical models
  • Construct the basic chemicals groups, rearrangement of Hydrocarbons chains in the process of adding economic value, and the measure of conversion and yield in a refinery
  • Comprehend the petrochemical project management evaluation and the key considerations in selecting proper technology, capital, and operating costs for the project
  • Establish the technical and commercial merits and the challenges in integrating petroleum refinery with petrochemicals
  • Highlight the petrochemical business concepts and individual merits with examples of Strategies / Business Models of Integrated Oil Companies, National Oil Companies and Non-Oil Companies
  • Discuss the petrochemical innovations, challenges & future trends
  • Manage the environmental issues arising from the rapid growth in the use of plastics

Training Methodology

This collaborative ‘Mini MBA-Fundamentals and Dynamics of Petrochemicals Industry’ training program will comprise the following training methods:

  • Lectures (Tutor-assisted online and classroom as per prevailing situations/requirements)
  • Seminars & Presentations
  • Group Discussions and workshops
  • Assignments
  • Case Studies & Functional Exercises

All our Zoe training programs, including this Mini MBA course observes the ‘Do-Review-Learn-Apply’ model.

Organisational Benefits

Companies who nominate their employees to participate in this ‘Mini MBA-Fundamentals and Dynamics of Petrochemicals Industry’ course can benefit in the following ways:

  • Gain skills and knowledge base through attendees and thus directly benefit their mission
  • Have a wider management perspective of global petrochemical business with reference to success factors in several business models
  • Keep abreast with innovations in energy and petrochemicals which are aiding in national and international economic growth and in improving the living standards of people
  • Explain to young team of managers on setting and achieve goals in petrochemical industry
  • Build and sustain the culture of identifying the management issues and developing tactics of problem solving in the entire value chain of petrochemical business from raw materials, through manufacturing to sales and marketing
  • Lenders, Insurance Agencies and Government agencies take positively those petrochemical organisations operating as per ISO Management System standards. E.g., ISO 9001 (QMS), ISO 45011 (Safety MS), ISO 14001 (Environment MS), using PDCA strategies

Personal Benefits

Individuals who participate in this ‘Mini MBA-Fundamentals and Dynamics of Petrochemicals Industry’ course can gain from it in the following ways:

  • Building a confident career in Petrochem Management Systems
  • Gain/develop basic technical knowledge and business skills of Petrochem Industry that will boost young managers’ career growth
  • Grasping and analysing the core competencies of Petrochemical Industry
  • Honing the business skills through techniques which define and sustain capital productivity operational excellence and marketing prudence
  • Comprehending the value chain optimization in Petrochemical Industry and applying it in practical scenarios to meet shareholders/stakeholders’ expectations
  • Cognition of success factors of the different categories of the Petrochemical Industry vis-a-vis national and international oil and refining companies, including their SWOT analysis
  • Helping their existing employers achieve their business objectives and customer satisfaction efficiently and convincingly

Who Should Attend?

This ‘Mini MBA-Fundamentals and Dynamics of Petrochemicals Industry’ course would be suitable to train and improve the business knowledge of a wide range of professionals as follows:

  • Trainees/interns/fresh employees who want to take up Petrochem Management Systems as their career
  • Purchase, Procurement, Supply, Planning, Scheduling and Materials Management professionals
  • Operation, Inspection, Maintenance, Engineering, Geoscience, HSE and Security personnel
  • All supervisors, managers and top leaders who want to consolidate their exiting managerial competencies in petrochemical business
  • All Management Systems professionals in Certification Agencies who want to do certification audits in Petrochem sector
  • Business Development Managers
  • Corporate Planning Professionals
  • Lenders, Stakeholders, Insurance Agencies, Government Regulators, Legal Professionals and Tax & Finance Advisors

Course Outline

Module 1: Fundamentals of Oil And Gas Raw Materials And Their Processing 

  • Fossil Fuel Reservoirs
  • Exploration, Extraction, Refining, Marketing, Transportation
  • Introduction to Global Oil Business
  • Crude Oil Distillation – Refined Products
  • Oil Economics: Price of Crude Oil and Value Addition

Module 2: Concepts Around Petrochemicals

  • What are Petrochemicals?
  • Oil & Gas Value Chain leading to Petrochemicals
  • Basic Organic Chemistry: Key Properties of Organic Chemicals
  • Classification of Petrochemicals
  • Conversion of petroleum products to petrochemical products
  • The advent of Petrochemical Industry
  • Petrochemical Applications in Daily Life and Health Care

Module 3: Petrochemical Feedstock’s, Processes and Equipment

  • Raw Materials for producing Petrochemicals
  • Difference between Fuels and Petrochemicals
  • The Basic Petrochemical Processes: Polymerization
  • The Working Knowledge of Equipment employed in the Petrochemical Industry
  • Integration of Refining and Petrochemicals, including advantages and disadvantages

Module 4: Petrochemical Value Chains and Markets

  • Understand the Concept of Value Chain
  • Optimization of these Value Chain
  • Olefins Value Chain and their demands – Ethylene, Propylene, and Polyvinyl Chloride
  • Olefins Product Applications and Manufacturing Technology
  • The Global Chemical Business
  • Studying the Market Segments
  • Learning Basic Market Research
  • Concepts of Forecasting and Planning

Module 5: Petrochemical Business Strategies

  • The PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) framework
  • Concepts of Petrochemical Strategies
  • Strategies / Business Models of International, national Oil and non-oil Companies
  • Major Business Incentives
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Marketing Segmentations
  • Key Marketing Success Factors

Module 6: Petrochemical Project Evaluation

  • Project management and phases
  • Commonality and Differences between projects in different sectors
  • Project technology, capital, and operating costs
  • Financial Evaluation
  • Lenders and Investment
  • Project Selection. Design. Construction and Execution

Module 7:  Petrochemical R&D, Innovations, Challenges and Outlook

  • Needs for Innovations in Petrochemicals
  • Innovations in Petrochemicals
  • Innovations to Meet Market Demand
  • Emergence of Bio-feedstocks
  • Unique Properties of Petrochemicals serving different Industries
  • Challenges ahead, Future Trends, and Risks involved in Petrochemicals

Module 8: Good Practices to Sustain Petrochemicals Industry

  • Quality Management System (QMS)
  • Safety Management System (SMS)
  • Environmental Management System (EMS)
  • Utilization of PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)
  • Incidents in petrochemicals and their resolutions


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