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Office Assistant Skills Training Course » OA21

Office Assistant Skills Training Course

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23 Feb - 27 Feb, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
12 May - 16 May, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
25 Aug - 05 Sep, 2025Live Online10 Days$7050Register
09 Nov - 13 Nov, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
09 Feb - 13 Feb, 2025Doha5 Days$5475Register
17 Mar - 21 Mar, 2025London5 Days$5905Register
07 Apr - 11 Apr, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
16 Jun - 20 Jun, 2025London5 Days$5905Register
16 Jun - 20 Jun, 2025London5 Days$5905Register
30 Jun - 04 Jul, 2025Dar Es Salam5 Days$5475Register
07 Jul - 11 Jul, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
11 Aug - 22 Aug, 2025Paris10 Days$11350Register
22 Sep - 26 Sep, 2025London5 Days$5905Register
06 Oct - 10 Oct, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
23 Nov - 27 Nov, 2025Riyadh5 Days$5475Register
15 Dec - 19 Dec, 2025London5 Days$5905Register

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Course Overview

What do you learn as an office assistant?

Running an office efficiently requires efficacious interplay of various factors. One such important factor is the presence of systematic and orderly clerical as well as office skills of the staff. Clerical skills ensure that all administrative tasks within the office are carried out in a timely fashion. There are various tasks such as data entry, scheduling meetings, filing, etc. that are required to run on time.

Failure to do so will result in a backlog in the office. This will ultimately throw a negative impact on the performance of the whole unit. One of the essential personnel, appointed to take care of the clerical and administrative work is the ‘office assistant’.

Office assistants are responsible for performing the clerical work appointed to them by the office head/chief. Office assistants ensure a smoothly running professional office environment for the other employees. Office administration never really stops. It won’t be false to say that other activities in the office cannot run fluently if the office assistant doesn’t perform their job well.

What are office skills called?

Routine activities like organizing files, maintaining minutes, handling calls, drafting letters may sound trivial but truth be told if one task goes amiss, it has the potential of creating chaos in the office space. Imagine if the office assistant fails or overlaps schedules of meetings of senior executives. Or is unable to reply to an urgent email. Or maybe overlooks preparing a report of office expenses at the required deadline. Lapse in all these assignments can create a chain of unavoidable events due to which the office may suffer for many upcoming days. Thus, it would be a grievous mistake on the part of the office administration to ignore the importance of an office assistant. An office assistant needs to be well trained and efficient for an office to run without any snag.

How to prepare plans for routine work? How to draft different kinds of official letters? How to file various essential documents for future reference? What are the skills needed to deal with clients on phone and through email? How to prepare required reports for revenues, payments, etc.? What is the various equipment an office assistant should be comfortable with to carry out daily activities? These are some of the questions an office assistant might face while performing their day-to-day activities. A polished and well-informed office assistant proves to be an essential asset for their organization. A capable office assistant ensures organization in the office and saves the employees from disorder that would generate if things don’t have a pre-decided place in the office. These activities of organization and coordination fall on the shoulders of the office assistant. Without an office assistant the office can be likened to a busy road with no traffic rule and police- something which will undoubtedly be prone to accidents and delays.

Zoe Talent Solutions recognizes the requirement of organizations for a skilled office assistant. To meet this demand, Zoe has introduced the office assistant training course. This course will acquaint its participants to different foundational skills needed to become an adept office assistant. The course provides knowledge related to book-keeping duties, keeping track of transactions, apt way of communicating with clients and employees, recording and documenting files, scheduling meetings in an efficient manner, maintaining needed databases, etc. A competent office assistant not only manifests operational and clerical skills but also their technical and analytical skills. This training course provides a complete package for the participants on their way to becoming able office assistants. The training course aims to instil within its participants practical knowledge of current practices and trends surfacing in the present dynamic business environment.

Course Objectives:

Zoe Talent Solution’s office assistant course aims to fulfil the following objectives:

  • To inculcate within its participants most essential clerical and administrative skills needed to efficiently run an office
  • To update the participants’ skills regarding latest spreadsheet and word software
  • To build communication skills within participants for better dealing with clients and colleagues
  • To keep up to date with latest trends and office practices emerging in the market
  • To polish up the clerical skills such as book-keeping, filing of documents, etc.
  • To learn proper maintenance of financial and banking transactions
  • To provide better customer service through suited telephone and email skills
  • To get better at tasks such as drafting letters, maintaining business profiles
  • To ensure a smooth running of the office

Training Methodology:

  • Interactive sessions and lectures
  • Presentations
  • Management games
  • Role playing/modelling
  • Case studies
  • Group discussions
  • Problem solving sessions

Zoe Talent Solutions follows the “Do–Review–Learn–Apply Model” in all training courses.

Organisational Benefits:

Successful completion of the office assistant training course will benefit an organisation in the following ways:

  • Efficient office assistants make certain that offices run smoothly with timely schedules and plans
  • Organization is benefited at the time of events such audits as office assistants ensure proper filing and maintenance of all the necessary documents
  • Organized office environment promotes better performance from the employees
  • Organizations avoid delay and backlog thus saving time and money

Personal Benefits:

Successful completion of the Office Assistant Training Course will benefit the participants at a personal level in the following way:

  • Participants will be able to keep up-to-date with latest emerging trends
  • Participants will gain hands-on knowledge of working with different office software
  • Improved communication skills
  • Improved book-keeping skills and thus learn better handling of financial data
  • Develop problem-solving skills
  • Gain proficiency in clerical tasks such as drafting letters, scheduling meetings, recording, etc.

Who Should Attend?

  • Office administrators
  • Office assistants
  • Book-keepers
  • Managers
  • Clerical staff

Course Outline:

Module 1: Need for office administration

  • Range of roles in office administration
  • Skills needed for office administration
  • Managing change
  • Office administrators as gate-keepers

Module 2: Office book-keeping

  • Analytical skills needed
  • Understanding double-entry system
  • Maintaining ledger
  • Preparing month-end close
  • Payroll management
  • Audit trail

Module 3: Business record management

  • Retention of business records
  • Maintenance of business records
  • Destruction of business records

Module 4: Office communication

  • Internal and external office communication
  • Mechanical devices for office communication and their use: telephone, typewriter, etc.
  • Upward and downward communication
  • Minutes, circulars, notice and other forms of written communication

Module 5: Business etiquettes

  • Face to face interaction
  • Etiquettes to follow on social media
  • Telephone etiquette
  • Dressing sense

Module 6: Office procedures

  • Understanding organization structure
  • Scheduling and calendar management
  • Client management

Module 7: English composition

  • Email writing
  • Letter drafting
  • Maintaining social media profile

Module 8: Use of technology

  • Keyboarding
  • Word processing software
  • Preparing presentations
  • Spreadsheet software


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