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Petroleum Engineering for Non-Engineers » OG40

Petroleum Engineering for Non-Engineers

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24 Mar - 26 Mar, 2025Live Online3 Days$2625Register
29 Jun - 01 Jul, 2025Live Online3 Days$2625Register
21 Sep - 23 Sep, 2025Live Online3 Days$2625Register
17 Dec - 19 Dec, 2025Live Online3 Days$2625Register
24 Feb - 28 Feb, 2025London5 Days$6305Register
12 Mar - 14 Mar, 2025Dubai3 Days$4680Register
19 May - 23 May, 2025London5 Days$6305Register
10 Jun - 12 Jun, 2025Muscat3 Days$4680Register
18 Aug - 22 Aug, 2025London5 Days$6305Register
15 Sep - 17 Sep, 2025Dubai3 Days$4680Register
23 Sep - 25 Sep, 2025Muscat3 Days$4680Register
24 Nov - 28 Nov, 2025London5 Days$6305Register

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Course Overview

What is crude oil? Where we can find it? And is it actually flowing in underground seas? Maybe you have had these questions before if you were working close to petroleum industry environment and maybe not if you were one of the technical teams, our course will answer these questions and much more, we’ll help you shed some light on this industry to understand the petroleum journey from the exploration phase to the end-user phase, which is a long detailed journey that we will make sure you get its big picture, this course is intended for non-technical personnel’s who work with or help petroleum engineers/technicians. We’ll foster organizational workflow by delivering easily made general knowledge covering most of this industry.

This Zoe training course will empower you with the general required knowledge to become familiar with petroleum industry terms, operations and workflows. The course covers most of the industry technical aspects; drilling, workover and production in detail, thereby providing you the necessary understanding and confidence to undertake non-technical responsibilities related to this field. Through this course, you will also get more opportunities to interact with the instructor, ask as many questions as you can also get more examples and cases to see the clearest picture about the topic.

Course Objectives

The primary objective of this training course is to empower non-technical professionals with—

  • a comprehensive understanding of most aspects of the petroleum industry
  • the required confidence to deal with logistics related to the petroleum industry
  • complete clarity on various important aspects and concepts related to oil exploration, drilling wells, and producing crude oil
  • detailed knowledge and understanding of how a well is drilled and the various ways to complete wells and produce oil
  • the necessary confidence and knowledge to understand the bigger picture of petroleum industry aspects
  • the awareness and understanding to identify the role and position of each aspect of the oil industry
  • the ability and potential to promote organisational growth and development by fostering better communication between technical and non-technical personnel

Training Methodology

This collaborative Petroleum Engineering for Non-Engineers will comprise the following training methods:

  • Lectures
  • Seminars & Presentations
  • Group Discussions
  • Assignments
  • Case Studies & Functional Exercises

Zoe Talent Solutions follows the ‘Do-Review-Learn-Apply’ model.

Organisational Benefits

With non-technical personnel’s undertaking this training course, their organisations will benefit in the following ways:

  • Effective, accurate information exchange between all team members when everyone knows what’s the industry about
  • Smooth logistic process due to understanding the big picture by the non-technical employees
  • Identification of slow workflow spots which had been based before on the misunderstanding between technical and non-technical personnel’s
  • Organisational growth and development because of enhanced communication between technical and non-technical employees

Personal Benefits

Individuals enrolling for this Petroleum Engineering for Non-Engineers training course will derive the following benefits:

  • Comprehensive understanding of the major petroleum industry aspects
  • Increased understanding and confidence when dealing with petroleum industry terminology
  • Greater knowledge of the basic concepts and methods used in drilling wells
  • Better understanding and information about required equipment and work flows to produce crude oil
  • Greater potential and ability to contribute to organisational growth through effective understanding of the oil production work flow, thereby increasing one’s scope for career progression across any organisation

Who Should Attend?

  • All non-technical personnel who are related in a way or another to the petroleum industry
  • Technical personnel who want to get an overview knowledge about the petroleum industry
  • Engineers that are not petroleum engineers who want to expand their knowledge about the petroleum industry

Course Outline

The course covers the following areas important for non-engineers to become knowledgeable about petroleum engineering:

Module 1: Overview

  • What is crude oil?
  • How is it formed?
  • Where to find crude oil?
  • How to find crude oil?
  • How to deliver crude oil to the surface?
  • What are other means of oil delivery to the surface?
  • Are there any problems?
  • What about petroleum products?

Module 2: Crude Oil Formation & Reservoir Rocks

  • Oil origin & source rock
  • Primary & secondary migration
  • Types of reservoir rocks
  • Porosity, Permeability, and water saturation
  • Driving mechanisms

Module 3: How to find Crude Oil?

  • Oil traps (structural, stratigraphic, and combination)
  • Geological shapes of reservoir rocks
  • Exploration methods

Module 4: Drilling Rigs

  • Overview
  • Onshore & Offshore
  • Rotary system
  • Drilling bits
  • Circulation system
  • Drilling mud
  • Hoisting system
  • Blow out preventor

Module 5: How a Wellbore is Drilled?

Module 6: Well Completion

  • Types of completion
  • Completion accessories
  • Wireline services
  • Logging and perforation
  • Slickline services
  • Coiled tubing unit

Module 7: Artificial Lift Systems

  • Why to artificially lift the well?
  • ALS selection criteria discussion
  • SRP (components, idea, installation, and operation)

Module 8: Artificial Lift Systems Continued

  • ESP (components, idea, installation, and operation)
  • Gas injection overview
  • Other artificial lift systems

Module 9: Production Phase

  • Flow lines and manifolds
  • Initial processing
  • Separators (components and operation)
  • Heater treaters
  • Storage and shipping

Module 10: Wrapping up and Review

  • Open discussion on all questions
  • Course content review
  • Reviewing unclear sections

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