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Procurement for Donor Funded Projects » PLS32

Procurement for Donor Funded Projects

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10 Mar - 18 Mar, 2025Live Online7 Days$5075Register
12 May - 16 May, 2025Live Online5 Days$3785Register
16 Jun - 20 Jun, 2025Live Online5 Days$3785Register
03 Aug - 07 Aug, 2025Live Online5 Days$3785Register
21 Sep - 09 Oct, 2025Live Online15 Days$11515Register
07 Dec - 11 Dec, 2025Live Online5 Days$3785Register
14 Dec - 18 Dec, 2025Live Online5 Days$3785Register
10 Mar - 14 Mar, 2025London5 Days$6305Register
24 Mar - 04 Apr, 2025Nairobi10 Days$11085Register
31 Mar - 04 Apr, 2025Abu Dhabi5 Days$5775Register
25 May - 12 Jun, 2025Doha15 Days$13500Register
02 Jun - 06 Jun, 2025Dubai5 Days$5775Register
09 Jun - 13 Jun, 2025London5 Days$6305Register
30 Jun - 04 Jul, 2025Athens5 Days$6305Register
20 Jul - 24 Jul, 2025Doha5 Days$5775Register
15 Sep - 19 Sep, 2025London5 Days$6305Register
09 Nov - 13 Nov, 2025Doha5 Days$5775Register
16 Nov - 20 Nov, 2025Doha5 Days$5775Register
24 Nov - 28 Nov, 2025Dubai5 Days$5775Register
08 Dec - 12 Dec, 2025London5 Days$6305Register

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Course Overview

Procurement Management is more significant than an administrative and management function.

What are the most difficult challenges in managing procurement processes associated with donor funded projects?

Sound procurement management is an essential requirement for successful task delivery. Timely and meticulous procurement information is critical for effective decision-making and corrective action by practical project management practices to improve the outlook of timely completion within the deliberate project budget and scope of its deliverables.

How can project procurement be improved?

Our facilitators will offer you various insights into project management, skills, and competencies to undertake procurement management responsibilities. This course is meant to offer individuals the most up-to-date information. To emphasize the process for planning, conducting, and assessing projects and programs, an assessment of all parts of the project/program cycle will be shown. The phrasing utilized by funders and advancement partners at different project/program cycle stages will be examined.

As a consequence of this Zoe training course, you will be invited to numerous growth opportunities across various organisations, and you will be able to exhibit your talents and potential.

Course Objectives

The primary objectives of this training course are to:

  • Be able to ensure that the materials and services acquired are of sufficient quality and align with the project’s overall objectives
  • Prepare scoring systems and provide justifications for contract award decisions
  • Establish award criteria and assess proposals from a financial and cost-benefit standpoint
  • Ability to offer critical logistical assistance for managing and implementing projects, as well as assurance to the borrowing countries, lenders, and donor community that funds were spent efficiently and for the intended purpose
  • Ability to provide vital logistical support for project management and implementation, as well as assurance to borrowing governments, lenders, and donors that funds were spent correctly and for the intended purpose
  • Ability to provide vital logistical support for project management and implementation, as well as assurance to borrowing governments, lenders, and donors that funds were spent correctly and for the intended purpose

Training Methodology

Zoe Talent Solutions provides a wide range of training courses on various subjects. Each module’s training techniques and approaches are highly participative. This training session involves:

  • Role-plays
  • Case studies
  • Live instructions
  • Video presentations
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Explicit practical examples
  • Exciting practical group activities

Like all our acclaimed courses, this course on procurement for donor-funded projects follows the ‘Do-Review-Learn-Apply’ methodology.

 Organisational Benefits

Experts who complete this course will be able to assist their respective organisations in the following ways:

  • A better understanding of the latest operational policies and procedures on procurement to facilitate project implementation
  • A comprehensive and critical understanding of monitoring and evaluation as well as the practical implementation process
  • Clearly understand the new procurement guidelines of international lending institutions and dwell on new procurement tools of harmonization, alignment, and simplification.
  • To certify that goods and services procured are of satisfactory quality and compatible with the balance of the project
  • Deliver the essential logistical support needed to manage and implement projects and comfort to borrower country, lenders, and donor community that funds have been used efficiently and for the intended purpose
  • Familiarity with the legitimate system for giver ventures and guarantee that benefactor stores are utilized agreeing to the stipulated measures
  • Actualize giver obtainment strategies counting the assessment, determination, and contract to grant
  • Creating information overseeing the procurement portfolio with modern donor re-examined standards

Personal Benefits

Professionals who take this course will gain the following benefits:

  • A thorough awareness of how to construct projects/programs that suit the needs of large funders and development partners
  • Deep knowledge of project management fundamentals
  • A thorough understanding of the project cycle, decision points, and essential project management methods, particularly the logical framework method
  • A greater understanding of how to design a project considering logical framework approach and development of monitoring and evaluation system
  • Enhanced skills to evaluate the project’s implementation plans and assess the needs of potential donors
  • A better comprehension of donor-funded projects management in an effective manner
  • A detailed comprehension of approximate data on putting up, examining, and deciphering advertised files

 Who Should Attend?

  • Managers and Officers responsible for the management and accounting for donor funds
  • Procurement specialists as well as high-level staff responsible for making policy decisions and also those in charge of the implementation of projects
  • Anyone who wants to reinforce their knowledge in managing to account for donor funds, including budget officers, accountants, auditors, and monitoring and evaluation officers
  • Project staff and team locked in within the usage of improvement projects

Course Outline

Module 1: Procurement Overview

  • Types of procurement
  • Stages of procurement
  • Procurement life cycle
  • Steps in the procurement process
  • Procurement vs. sourcing & acquisition

 Module 2: Procurement Process

  • Procurement models
  • Principles of procurement
  • Five pillars of procurement
  • Components of procurement
  • Procurement planning & its significance

 Module 3: Procurement Compliance – I 

  • Donor policies and procedures
  • Complying with donor procedures
  • Procurement compliance framework
  • Compliance Regulatory & Governance
  • Procurement compliance overview

 Module 4: Procurement Compliance – II 

  • Understanding of compliance regulatory
  • Principles of governance according to international requirements
  • Accountability, integrity & transparency
  • Conflict, time, and stress
  • Governance and anti-corruption agenda

Module 5: Procurement & Financial Management – I 

  • Financial management in procurement definition
  • Financial management of donor funds
  • Objectives of donor funds
  • Disbursement procedures of donor funds
  • Procurement planning

Module 6: Procurement & Financial Management – II 

  • Demand planning & its advantages
  • Demand forecasting in logistics
  • Bidding documents
  • Bidding procedures
  • Bid opening evaluation and award of contract

 Module 7: Monitoring & Evaluation

  • Types & components of M&E
  • Roles & usage of M&E
  • M&E logical framework
  • Types of the evaluation process
  • Steps involved in successful monitoring

 Module 8: Project cycle management – I

 Module 9: Project cycle management – II

  • Project monitoring & evaluation and reporting
  • Evaluation of international aid offers
  • Contract design and clauses
  • Application law and settlement of disputes
  • Fraud & corruption, Ethics, and integrity





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