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Counter Fraud, Internal Control and Fraud Prevention Training Course » ACG08

Counter Fraud, Internal Control and Fraud Prevention Training Course

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09 Feb - 13 Feb, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
03 Mar - 07 Mar, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
07 Apr - 11 Apr, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
18 May - 22 May, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
23 Jun - 01 Jul, 2025Live Online7 Days$4415Register
21 Jul - 01 Aug, 2025Live Online10 Days$7050Register
18 Aug - 22 Aug, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
15 Sep - 23 Sep, 2025Live Online7 Days$4415Register
06 Oct - 10 Oct, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
16 Nov - 27 Nov, 2025Live Online10 Days$7050Register
22 Dec - 26 Dec, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
23 Feb - 27 Feb, 2025Riyadh5 Days$5475Register
17 Mar - 21 Mar, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
21 Apr - 25 Apr, 2025Amsterdam5 Days$5905Register
01 Jun - 05 Jun, 2025Doha5 Days$5475Register
09 Jun - 20 Jun, 2025London10 Days$11350Register
07 Jul - 18 Jul, 2025Kampala10 Days$10825Register
04 Aug - 08 Aug, 2025Kigali5 Days$5475Register
29 Sep - 10 Oct, 2025Paris10 Days$11350Register
27 Oct - 31 Oct, 2025Nairobi5 Days$5475Register
02 Nov - 13 Nov, 2025Riyadh10 Days$10825Register
08 Dec - 12 Dec, 2025Geneva5 Days$5905Register

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Course Overview

Transparency is a growing demand among citizens from their government and employees from their organisations. As such, transparency needs to be managed well and implemented effectively to meet its objective of providing necessary information to those concerned with this information and ensuring that, in doing so, corruption and fraud are kept under control.

While ensuring transparency in processes and transactions is easy in small organisations, in large organisations, managing it and ensuring that all individuals adhere to such requirements is a major challenge. This challenge gives rise to the need for having clear and directive policies and guidelines outlining professional behaviour and conduct to facilitate transparency and eliminate corruption and fraud.

Such policies need to be framed in an effective yet simple manner so that they are understood by all and carried out effectively. While framing policies, policymakers and/or other individuals involved in the policy creation and implementation process need to keep in mind the target audience and the practicality of requirements and practices outlined in the policy.

Effective policies are framed by expert policymakers. An effective anti-fraud policy is one that has a clear definition of all technical terms used within the policy for clarity to readers. Further, it outlines clear responsibilities of all stakeholders responsible to take action in the event of fraud, defines the levels of authority so that there are no incorrect judgements passed and defines reporting lines and contacts so that relevant individuals are contacted in the event of fraud.

The policy also clearly mentions the seriousness with which the organisation looks at fraud and the stringent action that would be taken against defaulters. The policy is framed in such a manner that it encourages employees to report fraud and empowers them to play an important role in managing and curbing corruption and fraud in the organisation.

An anti-fraud policy is a critical tool for communicating an organisation’s stance and processes concerning fraud. The tone of communication should be such that it is taken seriously and has an impact in preventing unethical practices and encouraging others to be intolerant to unethical practices that come to their notice. Policies raise awareness and ease the responsibility of senior management in preventing corruption and fraud in an organisation.

This Zoe training course will empower you with detailed information and knowledge of Counter Fraud, Internal Control and Fraud Prevention. By undertaking this course, you will not only understand the importance of such policies but will also gain the experience, confidence and skill to play an active part in framing such policies for your organisation.

Further, this training course will provide you with the required exposure to create and successfully implement transparency and anti-fraud policies in your organisation, in turn contributing to the elimination of corruption and fraudulent practices within your organisation.

It will also provide you with the necessary confidence and authority to question and take action against any unethical practice noticed in the organisation. By undertaking this training course, you will enhance your skillset to play roles that are more critical in your organisation, fostering natural vertical and/or lateral career progression.

Course Objectives

The main objective of this course is to empower professionals with—

  • detailed information and knowledge of transparency and anti-fraud policies within the organisation
  • the required confidence, capability and skill to partake in framing of effective transparency and anti-fraud policies for the organisation
  • adequate exposure, experience and confidence to play an active part in successfully implementing these policies within the organisation, thus contributing to a reduction in corrupt and/or fraudulent practices
  • the confidence, exposure and ability to undertake roles of authority to manage instances of fraud and corruption in the organisation
  • the required skill and understanding to communicate objectives and measures effectively to a target audience to meet a defined objective
  • the necessary knowledge to understand and effectively undertake fraud risk management for the organisation
  • enhanced skill and potential to contribute to fraud prevention and transparency implementation for the growth and development of employees and the business

Training Methodology

Zoe Talent Solutions delivers training in various formats, depending on the training audience and topic. The format includes audio/video presentations, group debates and activities, case studies, group experiential learning activities, role-plays, etc. The trainer also elaborately discusses practical issues and challenges faced by trainees at their respective workplaces to foster relativity and application of training knowledge and information in a practical setting. The trainees are also asked to create a sample policy of their own.

This course is delivered as per Zoe Talent Solutions’ highly successful Do–Review–Learn–Apply Model.

Organisational Benefits

Organisations whose employees undertake this course will benefit in the following ways:

  • Well-trained and equipped professionals to frame anti-fraud and transparency policies for the organisation
  • Creation and implementation of appropriate and effective anti-fraud and transparency policies
  • Better fraud risk management
  • Reduced attempts for fraud or corruption within the processes of the organisation
  • Lesser responsibility on senior members to manage and communicate actions against fraud because of self-explanatory, well-framed policies
  • Increased investments because of higher credibility and more protection against fraud
  • Better employer branding because of a strong value-driven, anti-corruption, transparent work culture

Personal Benefits

Through this course, professionals will benefit in the following ways:

  • Increased understanding of transparency and fraud management in one’s organisation
  • Enhanced skill, experience and understanding to partake in framing effective transparency and anti-fraud policies for one’s organisation and successfully implementing these
  • Increased confidence to play an important role in fraud prevention and management
  • Increased experience, exposure and confidence to undertake positions of authority and take appropriate decisions in the event of fraud reported in the organisation
  • Adequate exposure and experience to balance transparency and fraud prevention effectively for one’s organisation
  • A sense of pride and satisfaction to contribute to the growth of one’s organisation and colleagues by ensuring transparency and effectively managing fraud and corruption
  • Enhanced skill set and potential fostering defined career growth and progression

Who Should Attend?

  • Senior management of an organisation responsible for ensuring corruption-free and transparent business transactions and operations
  • Policymakers responsible for framing appropriate and effective transparency and anti-fraud policies for an organisation
  • Internal and external auditors responsible for ensuring adherence to policies and guidelines set out by the organisation
  • Legal officials, law enforcement agencies and investigators responsible for taking legal action in the event of fraud or corruption
  • Human resource professionals responsible for ensuring a transparent work culture and responsible for spreading awareness of policies and encouraging adherence to the same
  • Any other professional interested in knowing more about effective ways to create and implement transparency and anti-fraud policies

Course Outline

The course will cover the following areas that are critical for understanding effective creation and implementation of transparency and anti-fraud policies:

Module 1 – Overview of Fraud and Transparency in a Business Context

  • Definition
  • Impact of Fraud
  • Impact of Transparency

Module 2 – Importance of Fraud Prevention

Module 3 ­– Importance of Transparency

  • Democracy, accountability, participation
  • Good governance
  • Increased efficiency and effectiveness
  • Reduced corruption

Module 4 – Types of Fraud

Module 5 – Areas of Fraud Impact

  • Sustainable development
  • Socio-economic development
  • Public trust
  • Government legitimacy
  • Financial markets

Module 6 Features of a General Policy

  • ­Provides necessary definitions
  • Clarifies applicability and eligibility
  • Defines authority levels
  • Defines the responsibilities of all stakeholders involved (allocation of responsibilities)
  • Defines reporting lines

Module 7 – Features of an Anti-Fraud Policy

  • Simple, concise, widely communicated
  • Clear applicability and expected staff behaviour
  • Fraud definition in the business context
  • Outlined responsibilities of senior managers/staff
  • Detailed course of action for reporting fraud
  • Appropriate and simple communication channels
  • Equal action against all defaulters
  • Protection of witness identity

Module 8 – Challenges to Implementation of Transparency and Fraud Prevention

  • Lack of leadership support
  • Lack of employee agreement and acceptance
  • Lack of awareness
  • Digitisation (lack of human control, increased dependence)
  • External/political influence
  • Unclear action

General Notes

  • All our courses can be facilitated as Customized In-House Training course.
  • Course duration is flexible and the contents can be modified to fit any number of days.
  • As for Open Enrolment Courses, we offer our clients the flexibility to choose the location, date, and time and our team of experts who are spread around the globe will assist in facilitating the course.
  • The course fee includes facilitation, training materials, 2 coffee breaks, buffet lunch and a Certificate of successful completion of Training.
  • FREE Consultation and Coaching provided during and after the course.

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