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Train the Trainer: From Design to Delivery » LND08

Train the Trainer: From Design to Delivery

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24 Mar - 11 Apr, 2025Live Online15 Days$10425Register
02 Jun - 06 Jun, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
30 Jun - 04 Jul, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
13 Jul - 31 Jul, 2025Live Online15 Days$10425Register
29 Sep - 17 Oct, 2025Live Online15 Days$10425Register
17 Nov - 28 Nov, 2025Live Online10 Days$7050Register
22 Dec - 26 Dec, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
17 Feb - 21 Feb, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
17 Mar - 04 Apr, 2025Paris15 Days$14200Register
17 Mar - 21 Mar, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
14 Apr - 18 Apr, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
14 Apr - 18 Apr, 2025London5 Days$5905Register
12 May - 16 May, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
19 May - 23 May, 2025Nairobi5 Days$5475Register
16 Jun - 20 Jun, 2025New Delhi5 Days$5375Register
16 Jun - 20 Jun, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
16 Jun - 20 Jun, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
14 Jul - 18 Jul, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
14 Jul - 18 Jul, 2025London5 Days$5905Register
27 Jul - 14 Aug, 2025Riyadh15 Days$13500Register
11 Aug - 15 Aug, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
22 Sep - 10 Oct, 2025Istanbul15 Days$14200Register
22 Sep - 26 Sep, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
13 Oct - 17 Oct, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
13 Oct - 17 Oct, 2025London5 Days$5905Register
03 Nov - 14 Nov, 2025Mauritius10 Days$10485Register
17 Nov - 21 Nov, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
08 Dec - 12 Dec, 2025Paris5 Days$5905Register
15 Dec - 19 Dec, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register

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Course Overview

In these upbeat and fast-paced times, the challenging quotients, and quick-to-act markets, your need to live up and meet the competition in the eye is real!

In the midst of the activities that have accelerated the industrial revolution transferring over to the age of AI (Artificial Intelligence), the one constant function and industry has been that of Training and Development. ‘Learning’ is that perrenial activity that fuels engines forward in every single institution.

Thus, we at Zoe have invested a great deal of research and development using our own resources, to stand out as an exceptional training solutions company. Our facilitators and dynamic instructors not only teach the best courses in diverse languages, across varied platforms but also set a unique and effective example of exemplary facilitation while doing so!

Against this solid background of professionalism, experience, and verifiable credibility, Zoe presents their ‘Train the Trainer Certification Course’. What is a Train the Trainer Certification? This intricately designed eight module training programme allows each participant – (whether aspiring trainer or experienced training executive), to step into a space of relevance, excitement and curiosity. There are a vast number of modern training topics, tools and techniques that are covered comprehensively in this course keeping the needs of our participants in mind.

This Zoe training course will therefore empower you to transform your present abilities from a seemingly mediocre level to one of ‘exceptional and recommendable’ finesse. How do I become a Trainer? Through this certification course, you will discover advanced behavioural training techniques to help you to role-model ideal attitudes at your workplace. Your new skills will enable you to equip junior and budding managers in your department and your trainees to learn quickly from you and stay engaged with your line of training. You will acquire profit-making abilities as you continue to showcase your facilitation and presentation skills to your participants, colleagues, and stakeholders.

Course Objectives

The main objective of this course is to equip each professional with—

  • the ability to achieve a high level of accomplishment as a training facilitator in both virtual and physical set-ups
  • real-time feedback on their choice of training tools and techniques based on their learning
  • hone each delegate with the most globally used tools in the current day and age to measure learning and employee performance
  • the ability to design and include the right activities for specific participant groups, based on TNA findings
  • capability to rectify errors in present training models and to influence organisational adaptation to training positively
  • understanding of the pre-requisites of a learning needs intervention
  • empowerment to utilise all accessible resources to develop performance tools within teams and organisations
  • the ability to identify stated and unstated gaps in learning and performance correctly and bridge them by noticing and using the most effective training module and methodology
  • comprehension of the potential and reach that training can achieve for any organisation
  • tools to manage challenging situations in the classroom
  • ability to see how e-learning, virtual platforms and other modern technology can be used to enhance every training interaction

Training Methodology

We at Zoe Talent Solutions cater to the needs of our diverse yet distinct training audience according to their professional background and previous work experience. Classroom sessions with presentations by a certified and experienced facilitator are a viable part of our training programmes.

We encourage your participation as a trainee in breakout room and group discussions, case-studies, activities, assessments, and other creative training methods that we engage you in. You are also requested to share your experiences, feedback, concerns, and best practices from your organisations, which can be facilitated by the trainer to optimise learning for you and the entire delegate group.

As per Zoe Talent Solutions’ unique training methodology, this certified Train the Trainer course follows the Do–Review–Learn–Apply Model of Learning.

Organisational Benefit

By nominating self or other professionals for Zoe’s Certified Training Course, organisations will benefit as follows:

  • Practicing trainers will be further updated with knowledge in pertinent areas of training and measuring performance, post learning interventions
  • There will be a recorded growth in knowledge, skill, and positive attitudes in the workplace, leading to higher productivity with reduced efforts
  • More credibility for your organisation’s work and resultantly, a good public image on virtual as well as physical portals
  • Increased efforts by the individual, team, and department towards improvement by adopting and employing creative training methods learned in this course
  • Greater understanding of the ROI gain possible to companies, because of their training investments
  • More clientele, satisfied customers and consequently more revenue
  • A closer alignment with organisational culture and company values
  • Lower attrition as professionals attending this course will feel invested in and will try to become part of your success

Personal Benefits

Professionals attending this course will benefit tangibly in the following ways:

  • A deeper insight into the essential function of Training and Development and the measurable benefit that it must add to its audience
  • The importance of projecting ROI (Return on Investment) and increasing training accountability
  • An awareness of the globally employed learning models that can be used based on the type of participants catered to
  • Access to virtual content exclusively owned and run by Zoe Talent Solutions to increase their comprehension of the course content
  • Access to real-time feedback and advice that will boost their own call to improve and hone skills best used in training and facilitation
  • Understanding the importance of a good testing and training evaluation model
  • A degree of positive language and assertiveness in offering coaching and feedback to participants in alignment with ‘Adult Learning Principles’
  • Overall growth in the individual’s ability to apply the advice learned on constructing the most effective TNA, Design and Facilitative Presentation
  • The ability to teach classroom and virtual presentation, design and presentation techniques for team-mates and budding training managers to imitate and apply in their role at the organisation
  • Ability to employ a high standard of excellence in training and facilitation, professional capacity building and employee competency

Who Should Attend?

  • Learning and Development Managers in the Human Resources department
  • Functional Training Consultants and Aspiring Trainers
  • Organisational Learning Managers and Heads of Training Departments, Employee Development Executives, Learning Partner Consultants
  • Training Heads of Departments in a government body or educational institution
  • Any individual who aspires to be a Learning Facilitator
  • Human Resource Executives who oversee the training needs of the organisation
  • Individuals in-charge of employee performance and development
  • General Managers and Deputy-General Managers for the Training Department
  • Corporate Trainers and Facilitators, Training Managers and Senior Training Personnel
  • Lead Training Executives and Coaches, E-Learning Consultants and Learning Content Managers
  • Sales Trainers, Presenters, Aspiring You-Tubers who wish to teach a subject online

Course Outline

Zoe’s Train the Trainer Certification Course is a uniquely designed syllabus that has helped thousands of individuals worldwide to grow into great facilitators. The following modules when well-learnt become the apt platform for the budding trainer to attain success in leaps and bounds.

Module 1: Training Design Models

  • Introduction to globally recognised Training Models
  • Centralized Training Design Model
  • Functional Training Model
  • Kirkpatrick Training Model
  • Training Accountability through ROI
  • Knowledge Assessment and Feedback

Module 2: Identifying Learning Needs

  • Know your Audience
  • Types of Learners
  • Define Training Objectives
  • Tools to Collect Data
  • Gain Stakeholder Approval
  • Building a Training Design Sketch

Module 3: Tools for Learning Analysis

  • Introduction to TNA (Training Needs Analysis)
  • TNA Models
  • TNA Technology
  • How to use the best TNI methodology?
  • What is the TNI checklist?
  • Case study and discussion

Module 4: Training Content

  • Importance of Relevant Training Content
  • Identifying the Best Learning Resources
  • What is an icebreaker?
  • Benefits of training energisers
  • Determining Training Duration
  • Training Approach Document
  • Practice Activities and Feedback

Module 5: Presentation Skills

  • Key Aspects of a good presenter
  • Positive Body Language
  • Negative Body Language
  • Making Verbiage Impactful
  • Participant assignment and Feedback

Module 6: Facilitating Learning in a Physical Environment

  • Planning the training Room Set-up
  • Creative Facilitating Ideas
  • Inbound and Outbound Training Benefits
  • Case-Study and Discussion
  • Assessments & Feedback

Module 7: Facilitating Learning in a Virtual Environment

  • Introduction to the Virtual Age
  • Mindset of a Virtual Facilitator
  • Understanding Virtual Training Benefits and Limitations
  • Tools to enhance Virtual Learning
  • Creating interactive Quizzes and Games
  • Projects and Practice

Module 8: Managing Challenges in Training

  • Defining the scope of training challenges
  • Identifying Difficult Participants
  • Coaching and Feedback
  • Testing and Assessments
  • Summary & Close

Participant Reviews
It's amazing course
Mahmoud abo althenen
To have more training courses such as this one to keep improving our soft skills
Mohamed Binaouf
Thanks hope to have more courses like this
Barbara Buagbe
I undertook a course in training the Trainer facilitator was excellent, and topics were beneficial
Barbra Buagbe
I undertook a course in train the Trainer facilitator was excellent and topics were very useful
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