8 frequent mistakes of Human Resources Management


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We analyze how we can improve the Human Resources department in a company. Something that happens from the implementation of new tools to the adoption of specific HR policies.

Human Resources in a company: what it does

The main mission of a Human Resources department in a company is to perform all those tasks related to people management and attracting talent from the company. A task that includes different functions-such as recruitment and selection, personnel administration, compensation, etc. – focused on ensuring the well-being of workers within the organization.

However, given the breadth of processes involved in the management of Human Resources in a company, certain mistakes can be made . Today we analyze some of the most frequent and propose growth and improvement measures for this area of ​​HR so important in the development of people and in the business results of any company.

8 frequent mistakes that the Human Resources area can make in a company

Thus, we find some negative behaviors that can be rooted in the Human Resources department in a company . Some errors that may be the result of lack of time or resources, ignorance or others but, fortunately, can be avoided.


  1. Excess or lack of personnel in Human Resources in a company

In some companies there may be an excess of staff and bureaucracy as a result of the implementation of overly complicated processes. This also causes the department’s costs to rise . But it is possible that the opposite happens, that there is a lack of personnel, something of the smallest companies. However, you don’t always know how to manage multitasking in the right way.


  1. Inappropriate selection methods

Inappropriate curriculum screening : an appropriate process should allow you to create killer questions , filter by capabilities, and so on. All these actions improve the screening of resumes.

Process slowdown : especially if we don’t have the option to filter properly, hang offers quickly in different portals, and so on.

Crazy hiring : and lack of adaptation of the candidate to the job.

Lack of definition in job functions .

Low flow of candidates .

Internal talent is not detected .


  1. Inappropriate work environment methods.

The work environment is one of the factors that affects productivity. A good working environment favors the achievement of objectives, while a bad one generates conflicts and bad business results. Therefore, it is convenient to have work climate policies and work environment measurement – such as employee satisfaction surveys -.

Promoting a good working environment will pass, among others, to favor the comfort of the employee, take care of the office environment (including furniture and decoration), have incentive policies , flexible schedules, promote training, bet on conciliation, value feedback from workers and more. In addition, you have to recognize your achievements.


  1. Lack of performance analysis tools

The absence of an adequate tool to perform employee performance evaluations (or, directly, not to pass them) is another big mistake. It is a system that is used to determine the worker’s job compliance and abilities, but also to detect what the department and the company lacks and needs from the point of view of the workforce.

If we do not pass a performance evaluation to our employees, we will not know what situation they are in, nor will we be able to give them the training or implement the necessary policies so that they are developed within the organization. In addition, this can lead to workers’ classification standards .


  1. Communication problems in Human Resources in a company

With communication problems in Human Resources we are referring, above all, to those that have to do with the relationship with other departments and with the company’s internal communication . The Human Resources department in a company must ensure horizontal communication, that is, because it does not occur from top to bottom, from leaders to employees.

It is essential that the entity knows what its workers think of it . And for this, transparency and a very open organizational culture must be promoted, offering the most adequate confidence, guarantees and channels to do so.


  1. Lack of technological adaptation of the Human Resources area in a company

Sometimes the Human Resources area lacks the necessary training to get the most out of the tools offered by the new technologies. The company may not even invest in these types of tools. However, doing so has numerous benefits and makes it possible to streamline numerous processes that we will discuss later.

This is also related to the fact of not incorporating new profiles to the department, especially those that are emerging in ICT as experts in Big Data, Virtual Reality applied to Human Resources, and so on.


  1. Lack of awareness and legal errors

Among the most worrisome mistakes that the Human Resources department can make in a company are those that have to do with the lack of awareness and non-compliance with the legislation, especially with those regulations related to the protection of candidates’ data. For example, some recurring failures are:

Save a resume that is received for a process after it ends: the printed resumes must be destroyed once the selection is finished. Now it is possible to keep them in electronic format.

Leave the screen or computer on when you leave the office: our computer stores a multitude of sensitive information that we are required to protect.

Leave documents on the table: remember that we work with confidential and sensitive information. It is also common to leave them in the printer or scanner.

Archive sensitive information on unencrypted media : and not store them locked.

Do not encrypt emails that have sensitive data.


  1. Forget the importance of training and promotion

The training function is one of the most important of the Human Resources department in a company. This is a key aspect for the growth and motivation of workers , and even for the recruitment and detection of internal talent.

This, in the medium and long term, will have a positive impact on the company’s business results. In addition, it is important that employees know these options and growth plans, that is, that they know that they are committed to them.

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