The contentment of any organization’s employees determines how long they will thrive in today’s competitive job market. Job satisfaction depends on several factors, such as whether employers cater to their workers’ mental well-being, salaries, and additional work benefits. Moreover, any institution must keep its employees satisfied in order to flourish. Happy workers mean increased feelings of loyalty and sincerity towards work and the organization itself.
This article aims to provide detailed statistics on employee satisfaction around the world. It also provides a thorough understanding of what factors determine these figures.
Employee Satisfaction Statistics across the Globe
Key Employment Satisfaction Statistics
- According to an article by Apollo Technical, 65% of employees in the US are satisfied with their jobs. This is followed by 20% who are truly passionate about them. Apollo Technical published this article in 2022.
- 58% of Japanese employees are unsatisfied with their jobs, while 21% are entirely dissatisfied.
- According to CBC, Canada’s job satisfaction rate as of 2022 is 60%, the highest ever within a decade.
- Based on an article published on CNBC referencing a CareerCast survey, 78% of Americans felt unduly stressed at work. 38% owed their stress to unmanageable deadlines.
- A study by Leger in collaboration with Hamster states that Canadian workers’ satisfaction has decreased by 3% since 2021. Moreover, their commitment to work has decreased by 6% as well.
- According to data published by Statista, 45% of Indian workers in professional careers were satisfied with their current jobs. However, 38% of the respondents were still looking for better job opportunities.
- Based on the MIT Sloan Institute for Work and Employment Research, job seekers surveyed in the UK said that they would not mind a 10.5% pay cut for a considerably reasonable happiness score at their workplace.
- According to Statista, in March 2022, 56% of employees surveyed in mainland China were satisfied with their jobs.
- According to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, the use of the internet has undesirable effects on job satisfaction among Chinese employees in both rural and urban areas.
- According to an article published in Khaleej Times on January 18 2022, the employee happiness index average in the UAE had peaked at 88%.
- Statista said job seekers in France showed great satisfaction with the Employment Agency in France in 2022. Corsica has the highest satisfaction among all French regions, with 89.51% of satisfied respondents.
- Based on a survey cited by the National Institute of Youth and Popular Education (INJEP), many young workers were asked what mindset they brought into 2022. 48% were optimistic about future career opportunities, while 33% were still quite hopeless.
What is Employee Satisfaction?
Custom Insight is a platform specializing in employee statistics through consistent surveys and feedback services. They claim to be able to help organizations of all sizes flourish within their respective scopes.
According to an article by Custom Insight, Employee Satisfaction is a measure of how content workers are with their jobs. It requires closely examining metrics like workload, organization leadership, work-life balance, staff relationships, and improving the working environment. The extent to which employers provide facilities or introduce employee support policies determines the satisfaction of any organization’s success.
They also mention that employee satisfaction statistics are best measured through either surveys or questionnaires. Possible questions could include how convenient they find their deadlines, their relations with their colleagues, or whether they can manage work and life side by side.
Additionally, the article explicitly states that a satisfied employee may not necessarily be a high performer. Different employees have different expectations from their employees in order to be satisfied with their jobs. For example, some employees want to be consistently involved throughout all stages of a task in order to feel empowered. This sense of accomplishment, in their opinion, usually comes through being challenged and working with purpose.
Similarly, many employees are eager to work in places where excelling through hard work is the workplace culture. Conclusively, highly engaged employees tend to be mostly satisfied.
What are the Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction?
PeopleHum, a Human Capital Platform and winner of the 2019 Global Codie Award, is a tech organization redefining employee experiences. One of their articles mentions some of the critical factors that employee satisfaction depends on. Most of them are expectations that employees have from their respective employers, such as:
- Focusing on The Long-Term: To evoke motivation in employees, the senior leadership teams must have a long-term goal or vision they desire to achieve. This encourages employees to work harder for something that will be worthwhile and have lasting benefits.
- Communicate More: Communication is the key to creating an efficient and successful team. The root of most disagreements in a workplace is often the lack of communication. By sitting down for discussions based on prospects and work strategies, employees have a better chance of empowering their colleagues with helpful knowledge.
- Offer Learning Opportunities: Employee training programs and activities are a great way to teach newer techniques in the workplace. It prevents complacency and allows workers to compete and learn ways to work more efficiently.
- Give Frequent Feedback: Employees are eager to receive honest feedback from senior leaders to improve and become better assets to the company. One-to-one conversations significantly increase a worker’s morale and can benefit the workspace.
- Being Realistic with Expectations: Many organizations expect their employees to achieve big goals every time. This causes workers to harbor unnecessary stress and frustration, which can also significantly impact future work. Moreover, when leaders have a broad vision and an open mindset, employees tend to work more honestly with the determination to improve.
Why is Employee Satisfaction Important?
There are several reasons why employee satisfaction is foremost when establishing a successful company. Loyal and honest workers are diligent when it comes to achieving goals set by the leaders. These employees are less likely to give up even when met with the worst-case scenarios. However, this perseverance can only be expected when the employees are satisfied with their respective organizations.
The Los Angeles Community College District briefly states the benefits of employee satisfaction. In an Informational Bulletin published by their Personnel Commission, benefits to an organization include:
- Less turnover: Satisfied employees will stay in the same job for longer when they are satisfied with the team. This allows an uninterrupted flow of work, thereby bringing balance and consistency.
- Handle pressure situations and provide better customer service: A satisfied employee will accommodate his/her schedule based on any issues that arise during the standard workflow. They will be willing to resolve the problem for the greater good of the organization and to gain personal experience. Moreover, they will interact with customers more amiably, making the customer’s return more likely.
- Less absenteeism: Satisfied workers will have the motivation to come to work every day rather than making excuses. This includes calling in sick or arriving late to work.
The Management Study Guide is an educational portal aiming to provide students and corporate workforces with access to many management resources. They are an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Education Provider catering to the needs of more than 3,000,000 people across more than 198 countries.
An article of theirs called the ‘Importance of Employee Satisfaction’ lists why this feat is essential to all successful organizations. Some of them include the following:
1. Higher Revenues for the Organization
What determines the revenue generated is not only the number of training the employees have had; but their morale towards work. A sense of loyalty or allegiance can drive employees to work harder to achieve specific goals. Teamwork becomes easier hence allowing everyone to grow together. Ironically, it also increases competition amongst people within a team. This again promotes a more productive and enjoyable work atmosphere for the workers leading to faster growth.
2. Stress Tolerance
As mentioned previously in the Information Bulletin by LACCD, satisfied employees also tend to handle stressful situations effectively. They would not be as rigid to change or troubling scenarios with customers. Furthermore, they will eagerly participate in training activities as well as learning programs and go the length to excel in their careers. This, in turn, will always be advantageous to their respective organizations.
The Global Newswire published a news release called the Great Workplace Study in May 2022. It was done by Hamster in collaboration with Léger on a Canadian population sample. The study lists some of the ways employers and workplaces can implement the study’s findings to improve employee satisfaction.
- After the pandemic, most people have adapted to remote work and would prefer a hybrid scheme of work. When given a free hand in terms of flexible work, employees tend to adapt much better and are more productive.
- Secondly, employers can make use of young talent by providing better career growth opportunities. Such workers are already eager to excel in their professions with long-term motivation.
- Thirdly, salary is key to every employee’s satisfaction. With growing inflation and the cost of living and utilities, employers have to adjust pay rates accordingly.
Thus, a pleasant workspace also encourages the retention of employees. This can be done by lightening workloads, providing endless opportunities for career growth and meeting new people.
What is the Employee Satisfaction Rate Across the Globe?
Google has recently implemented cost cuts on travel and entertainment budgets which seeded dissent among its employees. The employees argue that these measures are unfair, given the company’s massive profits and cash reserves.
An article published on September 23 2022, by CNBC provides highlights of an interview with Sundar Pichai as he answers tough questions on this matter. The CEO states that companies like Google and Meta are expecting a severe economic crunch in the future. They expect that employees will support them during such trials. However, as a company with such high growth and immense expectations from its workers, employees are still in disagreement.
McKinsey Health Institute is a non-profit organization that focuses solely on improving the quality of life for individuals all over the world while providing a modern understanding of health.
Between February and April 2022, they conducted a survey encompassing over 15,000 employees and 1000 HR executives from 15 countries. Some of the metrics surveyed include:
- Toxic Work Environment (based on factors such as colleagues’ and employers’ behaviors)
- Work-Life Balance
- Unity and Teamwork
- Room for Sustainable Growth
- Loyalty to an Organization
- Liabilities by an Organization to its Employees
- Intentions of Looking for a New Job
- Employee Engagement
- Access to the Required Resources
The survey’s country-wise results are as follows:
1. North America
The United States
Based on the McKinsey survey referenced above, these are the statistics for employees in the United States.
- Burnout – 28%
- Distress – 32%
- Organizational Commitment – 74%
1. An article published on CNBC on March 7, 2019, quotes statistics from a CareerCast survey. 78% of Americans felt unduly stressed at work. They also rated their job stress a 7 or above on a scale of 10. They found that most of these people found tight deadlines to be the main reason behind their loss of focus, to which 38% agreed.
2. Apollo Technical is an I.T. and engineering recruitment agency that aids highly qualified I.T. professionals in finding jobs. One of their articles provides detailed statistics about the job satisfaction rate in 2022, mainly in the US and Japan.
- In the US, 65% of employees are satisfied with their jobs, while 20% are genuinely passionate about them.
- 74% of employees believe their workplace culture drastically influences how satisfied they are with their jobs.
3. PwC published their US Pulse Survey, which covered 1007 full-time and part-time US workers on August 3 2021. 65% of the respondents were looking for a new job. Furthermore, 23% were leaving for better job benefits.
The survey also covered 752 executives from different companies included on August 6 2021. 72% of the executive respondents were from Fortune 1000 companies. The graphic above shows the sectors where they belonged to. Of these different companies’ executives, 88% agreed that their companies were experiencing a high turnover rate.
The Conference Board of Canada is an independent applied research organisation. A 16-page report published on June 8, 2022, mentions the country’s job satisfaction rate at 60%. This is the highest ever in almost a decade. They owe this rise to easing the lockdown restrictions and the recovering job market.
However, this does not mean that Canada is entirely devoid of employee dissatisfaction. The study by Hamster mentioned previously also states that Canadian workers’ satisfaction has decreased by 3% since 2021. Moreover, their commitment to work has also decreased by 6%. The specifics relating to the drop in employee satisfaction are:
- Satisfaction with working conditions decreased to 74%, down 6% from 2021.
- Satisfaction with salary dropped to 60%, which is a 10% decrease from what it was in 2021.
2. Europe
United Kingdom
Based on the McKinsey survey referenced above, these are the statistics for employees in the United Kingdom.
- Burnout – 27%
- Distress – 31%
- Organizational Commitment – 78%
1. The MIT Sloan Institute for Work and Employment Research examined 23 million US, UK, and Canadian job seekers. They were observed on the Indeed recruitment website, and their attitude towards the happiness score of organizations was compiled in a document. The job seekers surveyed in the UK said that they would not mind a 10.5% pay cut for a considerably reasonable happiness score (75 out of 100, unlike a below-average one at 65) at their organization.
2. According to a press release on September 21st, 2022, a four-day workweek trial was recently held in the UK. More than 70 organizations signed up for this trial, with almost 3,300 participating employees. The feedback received from 41 out of the 70 companies is as follows. It is important to note that some questions were multiple choice questions with a scale of 1 to 5.
- 86% of the respondents were satisfied with the four days per-week policy and planned to retain it.
- Regarding the ease of settling into the four days per-week scheme, 29% of the respondents selected 5 on the scale, which indicated the smoothest transition. 49% of them chose 4, followed by 20% who selected 3.
- 46% of respondents claimed their productivity had remained more or less the same, while 34% reported that it has ‘improved slightly.’ 15% of the respondents claimed that their productivity levels had enhanced quite significantly.
Based on the McKinsey survey referenced above, these are the statistics for employees in France.
- Burnout – 28%
- Distress – 30%
- Organizational Commitment – 78%
1. According to Statista, job seekers in France showed great satisfaction with their employment agency in 2022. Corsica has the highest satisfaction among all French regions, with 89.51% of satisfied respondents. Provence Alpes Cotes D’Azur follows it with 86.35% satisfied job seekers.
2. is a leading financial market platform that provides its audience with real-time data and marketing tools. With breaking news service and analysis across 250 exchanges around the world in 44 language editions, they have more than 21 million monthly users.
According to a survey cited by the National Institute of Youth and Popular Education (INJEP), the global pandemic has had detrimental effects on the mental health of many workers. However, many of them have begun to adopt a positive approach again. A sample of these young workers was asked about what mindset they brought into 2022. 48% of the respondents were very positive about future career opportunities, while a staggering 33% were still quite pessimistic.
3. Asia
Based on the McKinsey survey referenced above, these are the statistics for employees in Japan.
- Burnout – 31%
- Distress – 29%
- Organizational Commitment – 73%
1. According to the article of 2022 on job satisfaction by Apollo Technical mentioned above, 58% of Japanese employees are unsatisfied with their jobs. 21% who are entirely dissatisfied follow right behind.
2. The Japan Institute of Labour Policy and Training (JILP) presented a report for March to April 2022 about labour issues. It states that job satisfaction in Japan still depends on the workplace’s effectiveness in countering the spread of the covid-19 virus.
Moreover, teleworking employees, i.e., those who worked from home, were more productive and efficient than those working in the office. This reiterates that in many places today, flexible/hybrid work schedules are much preferred as opposed to working at the office.
3. Nikkei Asia (published by Nikkei Inc.) has been providing comprehensive coverage of Japan’s economy, industry, and market sector for over 145 years. With 37 bases worldwide and over 1500 journalists on the team, their circulation accounts for almost 2.83 million copies. They also provide the most up-to-date Asian news as well as analysis of global data.
One such article, published on May 12, 2022, offers such statistics and data. Despite fewer working hours and a raised pay/salary, only 60% are passionate about their jobs and willing to devote time to their respective organizations.
Based on the McKinsey survey referenced above, these are the statistics for employees in China.
- Burnout – 23%
- Distress – 28%
- Organizational Commitment – 83%
1. Statista is one of the leading companies dealing in consumer and market data. The platform contains more than 1,000,000 statistics on more than 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources and 170 different industries.
Statista presented statistics on the employee satisfaction rate in China in 2022 based on their work environment. A survey in mainland China conducted in March 2022 states that 56% of the surveyed employees were satisfied with their jobs. Among these employees, the two major factors that determined their job satisfaction were the work environment and financial compensation.
2. Frontiers is an open science platform that publishes research journals reviewed by 202,000 top researchers from their editorial board. They surveyed 1500 healthcare workers from seven cities in the Heilongjiang Province in China. According to the results, the job performance score ( 22.189) and satisfaction were relatively low. In a nutshell, the workers needed more support in terms of family, organization, policies, and so forth.
3. Similarly, MDPI has been a support to academic communities since 1996. They provide open access to numerous high-quality educational articles to encourage scientific exchange in all forms across the world. The publishing we are concerned with is the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022. The journal links internet use with employee satisfaction. In urban areas, 70% of its inhabitants use the internet (compared to only 30% in rural areas). Statistics have shown internet use to be detrimental to employee satisfaction in China. Some of its effects are:
- Internet use prolongs working hours significantly, thereby increasing the workload for employees.
- Excessive use of the internet reduces real-life information interaction among colleagues. This reduces work enthusiasm and knowledge sharing among employees.
- Lastly, for many migrant workers, the internet is not a standard tool. Therefore, it has minimal impact on job satisfaction for them.
Based on the McKinsey survey referenced above, these are the statistics for employees in India.
- Burnout – 38%
- Distress – 38%
- Organizational Commitment – 80%
According to data published by Statista on September 13 2022, a survey among Indian workers in December 2021 showed that 45% of Indian workers in professional careers were satisfied with their current jobs. However, 38% of the respondents were still looking for better job opportunities.
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Khaleej Times is the daily newspaper of Dubai, UAE. The newspaper was launched in April 1978 and is one of the UAE’s leading English digital news platforms. Presently, they possess a vast network of social media platforms, reaching 15M+ users every month.
According to one of their articles published on January 18 2022, the employee happiness index in the UAE has peaked at 88%.
Hence, it is safe to say that according to the statistics, overall job satisfaction has increased worldwide. This can be due to numerous factors, such as continuing the hybrid work method. In addition, allowing them a say in prospective work policies undoubtedly plays a role in keeping them content.
Which Industries/Jobs have the Highest Employee Satisfaction Rates?
1. North America
The United States
Glassdoor is a platform that provides insights into job statistics and employee experiences worldwide. This includes job openings, salary information, company reviews and interview questions.
Glassdoor produced a compiled list of the Best Jobs in America in 2022, particularly in the US. Some of them, along with their satisfaction rates, are:
- Corporate Recruiters are responsible for hiring talented and creative individuals for different organizations. They screen massive numbers of candidates and commission each one selected. It is rated 4.4 out of 5 in job satisfaction, and the median base salary offered is $77,700.
- Realtors typically work individually as contractors who help purchase and sell real estate. It is rated 4.4 out of 5 in job satisfaction, and the median base salary offered is $54,090.
- H.R. Managers are responsible for administering salary payments, enforcement of company regulations, leaves, customer and employee benefits, etc. It is rated 4.3 out of 5 in job satisfaction, and the median base salary offered is $91,502.
- Back End Engineers are quite similar to back-end developers. They work on databases, HTML scripts, application programming interfaces(APIs) and make sure that websites are functioning adequately. It is rated 4.2 out of 5 in terms of job satisfaction, and the median base salary offered is $112,384.
- Business Development Managers are the driving force behind the growth of any institute or organization. They forecast revenue statistics while monitoring all initiatives taken for an organization’s progression in terms of revenue and reputation. It is rated 4.2 out of 5 in terms of job satisfaction, and the median base salary offered is $89,496.
Great Place to Work provides reviews on how to manage a better workspace. Their Certification Program and Culture Consulting Services make them a standard for many organizations to follow. They also provide a model which institutions use to benchmark themselves against the best workplaces in the world.
They recently published their 2022 list of the Best Workplaces in Canada. 75% of the score given to each organization was based solely on employee feedback, while the remaining 25% belonged to employee support and corporate culture.
1. NVIDIA is a multinational technology company that sparked the gaming revolution through the invention of the GPU(graphics processing unit). They have also impacted the healthcare, transportation and manufacturing sectors significantly. Some of their facilities for employees include the following:
- They cater to their employees’ mental health needs quite diligently. For example, they encourage their employees to make use of their (10) emergency paid leaves for mental health breaks as required.
- Furthermore, their Employee Assistance Program offers eight free sessions with registered therapists. This is in addition to $500 provided by the Canada Life Benefits program for services from registered therapists or psychologists.
- Additionally, Birth Mothers can receive 22 weeks of fully paid leave. Non-birth, adoptive, and foster parents can also take up to 12 weeks of fully paid leave. Also, parents returning to work have eight weeks of flex time in which they can adjust their working hours to remote work.
2. SAP Canada is a multinational software company that develops software for business use and customer service. They sponsor more than 25 Employee Network Groups (ENGs). These groups aim to create an inclusive space for employees to grow and succeed together.
- Their Business Women’s Network allows women freedom in their work while empowering them to give their best performance.
- Also, feedback sessions to improve work strategies are accessible to all employees.
- Similarly, their Flex Appeal policy allows autonomy for employees in devising their work schedules. This also includes choosing to work either remotely or physically.
3. FedEx is widely known as a multinational transportation and e-commerce service connecting people and goods worldwide. The most significant feat by FedEx in favour of their employees is the recognition they give them. Some examples include:
- The ‘Bravo Zulu Award’ is for employees who demonstrate short-term superior performance that is way above their job requirements.
- Similarly, the ‘Humanitarian Award’ is for those employees who assisted others by personal sacrifice.
- Lastly, the ‘Purple Promise Award’ is for those who assisted customers under unusual circumstances. FedEx takes pride in employees who have received this award.
2. Europe
United Kingdom
Glassdoor presented a list of the Best Jobs in the UK for 2022, otherwise known as the happiest jobs in the UK Following the ‘Great Resignation.’ Post-pandemic, the demand for highly paid professional workers has drastically increased. Tech-related fields primarily dominate the list and STEM careers, given the rapidly advancing state of work not only in the UK but worldwide. Some of the most booming areas are:
- The first spot is for Java Developers. With a job satisfaction rating of 4.1 out of 5 and a median base salary of £55,381, 71% of job openings are currently in the UK. As the name suggests, they are mainly responsible for writing codes, software and programs in the popular programming language, Java Script.
- Enterprise Architects are specifically tasked with the design of the infrastructure of a company’s I.T. platform. In addition, they are responsible for tracking I.T. progress and growth and overseeing the designing processes. Their job satisfaction rating is a solid 4.1 out of 5, and a median base salary of £73,898.
- Product Managers are the masters behind the blueprint of any product to be launched in the market. They oversee all developmental stages of a product right up to the finish and ensure the team is aware of its business value. They have a job satisfaction rating of 4.1 out of 5 and a median base salary of £60,656.
- Full Stack Engineers are essentially high-level software engineers that test and implement multipurpose software applications. They have a job satisfaction rate of 4.3 out of 5 and a median base salary of £47,320.
- Data Scientists analyze high-profile data and work with complex problem-solving applications. They usually work with massive data sets and variables. They have a job satisfaction rating of 4.2 out of 5 and a median base salary of £49,449.
Similarly, numerous other professions, such as H.R. Managers, Corporate Recruiters, and Marketing managers, have a high job satisfaction rating within the United Kingdom.
3. Asia
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Founded in 2008, the National UAE is a news platform setting new standards for quality journalism in the Middle East. They deliver the latest lifestyle, culture, sports, business, and art news while reaching influential English-speaking audiences. While using the latest multimedia tools, they have earned a reputation for their in-depth coverage and analytics.
They referenced the Great Places to Work 2022 survey to find the happiest places to work at. The One, Pizza Express, Century Financial and Transworld Group have topped the list (small to medium size company category).
Moreover, Dubai Police Academy, Leminar, DHL Express, Hilton and McDonald’s rank highest in the top 20 list in the large-size company category.
In the article by Khaleej Times, mentioned previously, the following occupations have some of the highest employee happiness indexes:
- Dubai Police – 96.6%
- Public Prosecution – 94.7%
- GDRFA (General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs Dubai) – 94.1%
What are Some of the Least Satisfying Jobs in the World?
Apollo Technical has cited some of the least satisfying jobs agreed upon globally about PayScale. PayScale is an advanced compensation management platform trusted by employers worldwide. They specialize in delivering up-to-date and authentic data and software to ensure you are getting paid right. PayScale asked 2 million workers from 24 job categories and over 500 job titles if their jobs were meaningful. By ‘meaningful,’ the workers mean whether their job makes the world a better place or inspires them to excel in their profession.
In their list of least meaningful jobs, we found the following data:
1. Parking Lot Attendants: Only 5% of the workers surveyed considered their job meaningful. They have a median base pay of $19,700.
2. Gaming Supervisors: Only 20% of the people surveyed found this job meaningful. They have a median base pay of $46,400.
3. Pre-Press Technician: They typically work in print shops and factories, ensuring that hardcopy materials are printed flawlessly.
Only 25% of the respondents considered this a satisfying job. It is a tedious and limited profession with a median base pay of $38,300.
4. Title Examiners, Abstractors and Searchers: This job mainly includes reviewing and lifting data from existing paperwork. Only 25% of respondents found this job satisfying. It has a median base pay of $32,700.
5. Fabric and Apparel Patternmakers: One quarter (25%) of the surveyed individuals think their profession makes the world a better place. It has a median base pay of $52,900; however, there is not much room to grow.
6. Welders, Soldering and Brazing Machine Operators: 26% of respondents found this job satisfying. With a median base pay of $33,200, this is an unglamorous profession that workers have not reported feeling good about.
7. Counter and Rental Clerks: 26% find their job meaningful. Their median base pay is $26,500.
In conclusion, job satisfaction statistics vary across different regions; however, the Great Resignation has left specific lasting impacts. After the pandemic, most workers’ satisfaction depends on the autonomy to work entirely remotely or on a hybrid schedule. Moreover, rising inflation has increased salary demands in almost all countries to keep up with modern living standards or even to make ends meet.
Numerous factors contribute to job satisfaction, such as health factors like depression or anxiety symptoms. There are also factors like workplace toxicity and a lack of inclusiveness among team members. The importance of job satisfaction, as well as catering to the factors mentioned above, lies in the benefits it brings. This includes less turnover and less absenteeism, which encourages an organization’s growth. Similarly, satisfied employees tend to be more sincere and loyal, thus willing to make sacrifices for the company’s betterment. Consistent observation of what brings the most satisfaction to employees makes it evident that salary packages count. The most reputable organizations to work in and the most satisfying jobs are often the most highly paid ones, such as data scientists or full-stack developers. Conversely, some of the least satisfying jobs are tedious and lowly paid, for example, parking lot attendants and pre-press technicians.