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Course Overview

What is meant by data visualization?

Nearly every organisation bases its key decisions on sound data. This data may have been generated from the past reports or may comprise future projections. The data initially collected is just a bunch of numbers and statistics. It bears no meaning to managers until it is converted into suitable information. Data visualization allows the conversion of this information into a pictorial representation which is much easier to understand and read. These visual representations might be in the form of graphs, charts, maps, videos, dashboards, or any type of visual format. This enables rapid identifying of trends and patterns present in the data that would otherwise have been difficult to recognize and understand.

Why is data visualization  important?

The human brain can comprehend a visual data set much easier than rows and rows on a spreadsheet. Since data has become such an integral part of strategic decision-making for any organisation, data visualization  has spiraled to every sphere where data is utilized.

How can data visualization  be made good? How to position the data, use the color scheme and other techniques to enhance the readability of the data? How to achieve data cleansing for data better visualization ? What are different tools available for data visualization ? Which tool will be suitable for which data set? Data visualization  is not merely the plotting of charts and tables but requires acute preparation beforehand in the form of these questions. Data visualization  is a subtle science and art. It requires comprehension of raw data and apt application of visual tools meticulously enough to draw valuable insights from the dataset.

Zoe Training has brought a sought-after Data Visualization  course that elaborates both the science and art part of data visualization . Numerous available tools have been discussed in detail along with their application, pros, and cons. Professionals from all fields experience the vital need of presenting their data in a convenient form to prolifically state their points and derive enhanced understanding from it. This course is mindful of this requirement and therefore discusses important features, techniques, and concepts related to data visualization  in the most beneficial manner.

Course Objectives

The Data Visualization  course is aimed at meeting the following objectives:

  • Enable the development of visual mediums which will help data analysts to interpret the key points promptly
  • Encourage faster decision making through a better understanding of visuals
  • The large dataset may contain valuable information that often goes ignored, however, hidden insight is discovered when the data is visualized
  • Observe data correlation through visual representation between different variables enables the entity to explore opportunities
  • Allow easy recognition of trends and patterns of a large dataset that can prove to be a tedious task
  • Allow faster identification of errors and mistakes

Training Methodology

  • Interactive sessions and lectures
  • Presentations
  • Management games
  • Role-playing/modeling
  • Case studies
  • Group discussions
  • Problem-solving sessions

Organisational Benefits

Successful completion of the Data Visualization  course will benefit an organisation in the following ways:

  • Enhance the effect of messaging for the audience of data which will result in faster decision making
  • A visual summary will allow the managers to get a grasp of the vast amount of information at a glimpse, thereby saving time and enhancing efficiency
  • Managers will be able to solve data inefficiencies, identify errors and inaccuracy
  • Help the organisation stay on top of the game by unearthing the latest trends and using updated tools
  • It will develop an improved understanding of business functions

Personal Benefits:

Successful completion of the Data Visualization  course will benefit an individual in the following way:

  • Gain knowledge of different tools, techniques, and tips available for effective data visualization
  • Data visualization is a versatile skill that is needed by nearly every entity; being well versed with its latest tools will help the participant to stay ahead in their career path
  • It will encourage faster decision making as data visualization will facilitate easy absorption of a large amount of data into neat trend-depicting visuals
  • Participants will be able to gather useful business insights
  • Participants will be able to communicate their opinions and observation in a concise and constructive manner

Who Should Attend?

Course Outline

Module 1: Why data visualization ?

  • Introduction to data visualization and it’s importance
  • Benefits of data visualization
  • Users of data visualization
  • Briefs of data visualization techniques: infographics, graphs, charts, etc.

Module 2: Data Visualization  Process

  • Developing research question
  • Gathering and cleaning data
  • Data mining
  • Selecting visual tools, criteria for selection
  • Making data interactive

Module 3: Use of Mapping

  • Map types: heatmaps, statistical map, point map, line map, interactive map
  • The increasing role of an interactive map
  • Suitable for what kind of data

Module 4: Use of Bar Graphs

  • Functions: drawing comparisons and identifying patterns
  • Creating bar charts
  • Data suitable for bar graphs
  • Types of bar graphs: horizontal, vertical, stacked, and clustered

Module 5: Use of Pie Charts

  • Functions: Cross-sectional visualization , showing the proportion
  • Constructing a pie-chart
  • Data suitable for Pie-charts

Module 6: Use of Histograms

  • Functions: identify the range, patterns, comparison, etc
  • Constructing a histogram: parts, do’s and don’ts
  • Distributions: normal, bimodal, skewed
  • Data suitable for histogram

Module 7: Use of Line Graphs

  • Functions
  • Data suitable for Line Graphs
  • Constructing a Line Graph: quantitative, independent, and dependent variable

Module 8: Use of Scatter Plots

  • Functions: relationships
  • Identifying types of correlation
  • Constructing a scatter plot
  • Line of best fit/ trend line

Module 9: Challenges in Data Visualization

  • Cognitive disadvantages- ambiguity, change blindness
  • Emotional disadvantages- disturbing, visual stress
  • Social disadvantages- cultural differences, framing effects, etc.

Module 10: Current Trends

  • Geo-spatial visualization
  • Using Chart junk
  • Real-time visualization
  • Video visualization
  • Data stories

Module 11: Excel Activity

  • Creating charts and graphs in Excel
  • Styling the tool in Excel
  • Exporting from Excel
  • Excel exercise- creating charts and graphs


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