Importance of Human Resources (HR)
Human Resources (more commonly known as HR) is an indispensable function of an organisation, concentrating on recruiting, managing, directing and retaining talent within the organisation. The realm of responsibilities handled by HR is diverse not only in scope but also in criticality and importance to the success of the business. Factors such as compensation, performance, employee safety and wellness, benefits, motivation, training and development, etc. are extremely important aspects determining how well and to what extent employees contribute to the success of an organisation. HR, or rather Human Resource Management (HRM), has moved on from traditional transactional operations to a strategic approach to utilise employees and create measurable impact on organisational growth. In light of this, HR professionals play a pivotal role in employee satisfaction and motivation at work and, ultimately, in the achievement of organisational goals and objectives. One of the most challenging roles played by HR professionals is that of determining, developing and maintaining a work-conducive and employee-friendly organisational culture—one of employees having a sense of competency as well as concern for and commitment towards their clients.
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The need for skilled HR Professionals
There is rampant progress in business dynamics these days, resulting in various work force challenges and complexities. The need for skilled HR professionals is increasing multi-fold because of technological, demographic and socio-economic changes and the need to pre-empt these to be better prepared and minimise or eliminate undesired impact. With businesses moving from physical spaces to working virtually with each other for leaner operations and more flexibility to employees, the need to still maintain values, policies, discipline and employee engagement and satisfaction across offices requires experience and advanced skill to do so. HR professionals also need to be thorough in their understanding of laws and legislations governing employment in other places of an organisation’s operation. Big data is gaining momentum and lime light in all spheres of the business world, and the HR function is no exception to this. Mere collection of data is not sufficient. HR professionals need to know what data they need to collect, why they need to collect the data, what are the outcomes they would like to achieve through the data collected, how should they interpret the data and how should they implement next steps—in short, they need to thoroughly understand and master ‘HR analytics’.
Check the list of Human Resources Courses offered by Zoe Talent Solutions.
Need for training in HR
With advancement in technology, data and record collection and maintenance is moving from manual records and Excel sheets to data collection and mining software. HR professionals across the globe need to understand the backend functions of these software and also stay abreast with new HR-related technology tools being used for better, faster, leaner and smoother operations, including e-learning platforms for training and development of employees. These days, HR professionals are content curators rather than creators; they need to look into their positioning and organisational branding when framing policies or releasing content about their practices and employee benefits. This requires an advanced level of critical thinking, creativity and emotional engagement. With job roles becoming increasingly challenging and demanding, HR professionals need to have a thorough understanding of human behaviour, including psychological factors. The role of HR professionals is not to create jobs but to create careers, and this requires a great deal of understanding of employee expectations and aspirations, business requirements, industry standards and the like. Change management is not as easy as it may seem, and the largest role is played by HR to help employees adjust to and welcome change through upskilling, communication, etc., for which the HR team of an organisation needs to be the most agile.
HR is a very diverse function with a span of control ranging from hundreds to thousands. Besides the number, the kind of responsibilities that HR professionals handle are high stake and have a major impact on employee satisfaction and welfare as well as organisational success. HR is also one of the few departments in an organisation that have ever-changing external factors affecting functions and processes. As such, staying updated and having a good external network is key to being a successful HR professional. The role of HR is very dynamic, with different responsibilities and outreach and with each organisation having their own style of human resource management. With such high dynamism and responsibility, the necessity of new and experienced HR professionals to receive continual training and coaching to constantly upskill with greater responsibilities undertaken is justified. Besides knowledge of external laws and legislations, HR professionals need to know their employees and the departments they work with. HR professionals are also required to make sound, well-informed decisions for their organisation and employees through various aspects of their role. Thus, training and coaching on critical skills are key to help HR professionals carry out their responsibilities with extreme confidence and ease and grow in their roles and responsibilities because of demonstration of these skills in their work. HR professionals work with people, situations of different natures and temperaments, laws, data, trained and untrained managers, etc. They thus deal with many intangible factors that influence growth and success, and as such, need to be highly skilled and self-sufficient to manage these well and not let such factors hamper the end objectives of employee satisfaction and organisational success.
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HR courses Offered by Zoe Talent Solutions
Zoe Talent Solutions offers a wide range of training courses on various HR-related hard and soft skills for new and experienced HR professionals, customized to their nature of work and organisation. The HR courses are also customised to the level of experience and exposure that the professionals have in their current role, thus enabling them to relate to their role and learn through practical examples or real case scenarios. The course content is updated with current trends in the HR field, thus ensuring that course students gain the most recent knowledge in the HR domain. Through these courses, Zoe Talent Solutions provides a conceptual and practical platform to learning. The courses range from tangible aspects such as HR analytics, key performance indicators, job evaluation and job descriptions to intangible ones such as administration, planning, coaching, interviewing, etc. It is thus a one-stop shop for all HR-related skill trainings for new and experienced HR professionals. With companies evolving in the fast-paced corporate space, the requirement for trained HR professionals is increasing substantially. Zoe Talent Solutions provides a complete package of all possible HR-related skills that an organisation could look for in their HR professionals. Taking these courses will also indirectly boost professionals’ earning capacity and prepare them to take on additional responsibilities within their role as HR and add tangible value and benefits to their organisation.
Below are some of the HR courses that Zoe Talent Solutions provides:
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HR Administration Skills
HR Administration skills encompass many aspects, such as interpersonal and technical skills. Strong administration skills help enrich an organisation’s structure and culture, understand and implement employee-friendly policies, carry forth all necessary legal documentation, etc. The course offers coaching on various aspects of communication (verbal and written), conflict resolution, negotiation, decision-making, prioritisation and multitasking, agility, critical thinking, etc. This course will prepare you for some critical aspects of your role as an HR professional, such as extensive reporting, frequent and diverse interaction, agile functioning, definite foresight, networking with department heads, planning and organisation, goal and objective mapping, etc. The knowledge and skills gained through this course will build your capabilities and the foundation for you to take on additional roles easily and with good results.
HR Planning Skills
With the shift in HR in most companies, from the traditional to strategic approach, good planning becomes extremely critical to link employee satisfaction and performance to organisational objectives. Planning skills are also critical from a budgeting point of view, when HR has to take care of costs of recruitment, salary, benefits, etc. This course addresses the main focus areas responsible for successful planning, such as HR capacity planning (e.g. mapping current skill to required skill), forecasting (e.g. estimating demand and supply, job and skill requirement, current economy and future impact), gap analysis (e.g. making sure the company has the right people with the right skill at the right time) and strategy development (e.g. understanding the needs of the company, making plans to prepare for change, etc.). By taking this course, among many other tangible benefits, you will learn to predict what exactly is needed to keep your employees happy and motivated, prepare your organisation for success and scaling up and keep your organisation’s culture in check, thus adding to your achievements as an HR professional.
Job Analysis and Job Description Techniques
Job analysis and job descriptions are vital and interrelated. These are one of the first steps towards hiring the right fit for the job. Job analysis helps HR professionals identify the correct skill and talent needed for a job, while the job description clearly describes the information gathered through analysis to attract the correct talent. This course includes information on the various methods of job analysis (interviews, questionnaires, observations, etc.) and helps professionals understand how to choose the most effective method as per their organisation. It also includes various practices that can be applied to identify and develop relevant training needs; structure compensation as per jobs; conduct performance reviews; prepare job descriptions true to the nature of actual work, clear and transparent, yet attractive; etc. By undertaking this course, you will be well prepared to face and overcome challenges in identifying the correct skill set for a job, correcting a skill–job mismatch, attracting the best talent suited for a role and preventing attrition because of job dissatisfaction.
Interviewing Skills
Interviewing skills are very important when trying to find the correct candidate for a job. This course includes training on the end-to-end recruitment process—preparing for the interview (e.g. how to read and interpret a curriculum vitae or resume), conducting the interview (e.g. correct questions to ask, correct skills to be judged, body language, active listening), reviewing the feedback from the interview (e.g. through scoring or notes or otherwise) and taking the correct decision. Interestingly, this course will also help you derive the best out of exit interviews that have so much useful information that could help make positive changes within the organisation and improve employer branding. This course will help you avoid unintended biases resulting from random, unstructured interviews; subjective judgements; lack of understanding of human behaviour; lack of knowledge to indirectly get useful information; etc.
Job Evaluation Professional
Job evaluation is a useful tool to determine compensation levels as per competencies. This course includes information on the various methods of job evaluation and offers training on how to judge critical competencies and aspects of a job to be able to determine compensation that is competitive and attractive compared to the market. It also outlines a structured, step-wise approach to gathering necessary information to rank a job within the organisation or with the industry and then map the compensation accordingly. It helps professionals identify what is the correct time to conduct a job evaluation to derive maximum benefit and how to handle the legal implications of any change in compensation as a result of this evaluation. Through this course, you will gain the necessary skills and foresight to make optimal use of a job evaluation, offer competitive, market standard compensation structures to your employees and develop a rational and consistent approach to determining pay.
Auditing HR Processes
Auditing is a regular activity of examining HR-related documentation, policies, contracts and the like to check for compliance, strengths, weaknesses, gaps, revision, etc. This course offers training on effective ways to audit HR processes to derive the maximum benefits out of the process. It includes a step-wise approach to planning and conducting an audit and implementing next steps, creating different reports after the audit for drawing inferences and taking action. Further, it provides information on statutory compliance and software used for faster and more accurate audits. Through this course, you will not only develop the necessary skills to become an efficient and effective auditor but will also gain knowledge to maintain company records, conduct SWOT analyses and develop a plan for HR activities and next steps for the future.
Human Resource KPIs: Benchmarking HR Performance
Team and individual key performance indicators (KPIs) are extremely important and should mirror organisational performance. While HR helps define performance indicators for other departments, it is important for HR professionals to measure and benchmark their own performance objectively. This course includes information about the characteristics of the most effective KPIs, the distinction of HR metrics and KPIs, how to create SMART (Smart, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound) goals and the importance of leading and lagging KPIs. It also defines the process of benchmarking (internal, external, formal, informal) and helps professionals create a robust and effective HR KPI system. Taking this course will not only help you understand more about KPIs and benchmarking but will also enable you to create objective and relatable indicators to ascertain your team’s performance as well as your performance, thus providing you the direction to work towards your growth. It will also help you understand how you can benchmark your or your team’s performance to industry standards, determine return on investment and drive change and will equip you with handling issues that could arise out of benchmarking.
HR for Non-Managers
Operational managers have a greater degree of influence on HR-related aspects for employees because of their frequent and close interaction with employees. This course helps HR professionals identify the scope of manager involvement in HR-related aspects and will direct them to ascertain training, coaching and best practice sharing with managers to help managers understand the importance of human resource management in the organisation’s success. It also helps professionals understand how to build relationships with and gain the trust of managers in order to achieve maximum benefit out of HR activities and initiatives rolled out for employees, ultimately influencing the achievement of organisational objectives. This course will help you understand how to liaise with managers and provide the necessary training (laws and legislatures, role of HR, importance of HR activities, understanding of policies, etc.) for the best results of HR practices. Through the knowledge sharing with managers, you will also gain more information about deeper functions of these departments.
HR in the Public Sector
Human Resource Management can be very different in the public and private sectors because of the difference in laws, nature of business, employee strength and dynamics, etc. This course provides HR professionals in the public sector end-to-end training on various critical aspects that need to be kept in mind when managing public sector employees. It includes knowledge and information about issues faced by HR in the public sector, ways to enhance the capabilities and motivation of public sector employees and ways to handle a shift from old, traditional management to modern, strategic human resource management. It also provides training on the relevant laws governing the public sector. By undertaking this course, you will become competent to tackle all difficulties in managing human resources in the public sector, such as overcoming political pressure and barriers, maintaining a positive work culture, preserving data confidentiality, introducing modern HR practices, etc. You will be able to drive initiatives to create equal opportunity for all and align strategies effectively.
Advanced Recruitment, Interviewing and Selection
Recruitment, interviewing and selection are the initial key activities that could set up an employee and organisation for success against a role. With increasing importance of these processes, conventional methods are no longer considered to be effective to meet the challenging demands of detailed skill assessment, best fit, quick turnaround time (TAT), etc. This course provides training and exposure to advanced and unconventional recruitment, interviewing and selection practices to overcome all challenges faced because of the current demand for high quality and TAT. It provides guidance on how to identify the best recruitment and interview methods as per the role as well as training to use technology (tools, software) to get the best fit in the least time. By taking this course, you will not only stay updated with new advancements in the recruitment and interviewing processes but will also build your capabilities to handle more challenging situations with respect to talent attraction, recruitment and management. In turn, you will also be attracting the best talent into your organisation, eventually contributing to overall progress.
Effective Coaching Skills for Managers
Managers have the greatest interface with employees and can positively or negatively influence an employee’s stability within the organisation. It is thus very important for managers to provide the correct guidance and opportunities to employees. This course helps HR professionals identify the necessary coaching aspects that managers would need training for and the ways to measure the impact of this training on employees and the organisation. This course guides HR professionals on how to train managers to take the co-mentorship approach (learn from their employees), be open to feedback, drive engagement with team members, drive innovation, draw the line between delegation and guidance and other hard and soft skills. Taking this course will help you align managers to your objectives of providing relevant and correct opportunities and training to employees to foster growth and development and, most importantly, career progression. This in turn will help you retain employees and provide careers and not just jobs to your employees. Being trained or certified to train managers of different backgrounds and experience levels will also add to your professional portfolio.
Human Resource Professional: From Traditional HR Role to Business Partner
With the change of human resource management to the strategic approach, it is extremely critical for HR professionals to upskill themselves to handle the additional responsibilities that come with the strategic role–that of a Business Partner. This course trains HR professionals on various aspects to prepare them to be effective and successful Business Partners, such as closely interacting with clients (other departments/department heads), innovating recruitment practices, making strategic decisions to policies and aligning them to organisational objectives, managing change, formulating reward and recognition programs, working with technology, driving leadership alongside HR and going beyond the walls of HR. By undertaking this course, you will be able to organically mature into a successful Business Partner, acquiring all necessary skills, training and resources along the training program. Needless to mention, this then sets you apart from the other HR professionals in the market.
HR Analytics: Concepts and Tools for Effective Decision Making
HR analytics is nothing but the process of applying analytical methods to HR processes to improve employee performance and derive maximum return on investment of time and effort in HR practices. This course offers training on ways of data collection, analysis, interpretation and implementation. It will equip HR professionals with the skills necessary to correlate data from various sources – employees, managers and business. It guides professionals to use tools and concepts to dig deep to get the best out of the data and find objective solutions to problems. Through this course, you will adopt a data-driven approach to decision making in your role, thus resulting in more informed and calculated action. You will be able to take faster and more accurate decisions in a simplified manner. Effective use of analytical tools and concepts will help you identify potential gaps in your organisation and address these to decipher potential, hire correctly, increase retention, track success, etc.
Strategic Human Resource Management
Strategic human resource management is a shift from HR working in silos to HR working with other department heads to increase employee satisfaction and achieve organisational objectives. HR has now moved onto being a partner and an important contributor in organisational objectives. This course trains professionals to think strategically, interact with other departments, use talent and opportunities within HR to make other departments stronger, work with employees in a collaborative manner, analyse threats and opportunities, formulate strategies, etc. Through this course, you will be able to naturally develop into a strategic HR professional and enhance your skill and scope beyond the realm of transactional HR activities. This course will give you an objective view to make decisions and will help you grow in your thought process, perspective and overall HR experience.
Human Resource Management and Career Development
Human resource management and career development of employees are extremely critical for attracting talent, deriving return on investment, retaining talent and increasing employee satisfaction. This course trains HR professionals on how to identify talent, skill and/or aspirations of employees, and create future growth plans to match their aspirations. It provides important information on how to identify and create lateral opportunities. Further, it provides a structured and detailed plan to support career development, including internal development programs, accountability responsibilities to managers, training and learning programs, flexibility measures, etc. It helps HR professionals identify the best way to create career opportunities as per the nature of their organisation and the type of employees. Through this course, you will understand the various roles that you can and should play, such as coach, advisor, appraiser, referral, etc., to your employees. You will also be able to clearly distinguish between career development and succession planning and create the necessary opportunities in line with both these, not neglecting one for the other. Further, you will be well informed to handle factors that could affect your plans for employee career development, such as downsizing, delayering, cost reduction, IT innovations, etc.
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