Have you tried to save a doomed project before? Sadly, many projects are at risk of failing. A study by PM Solutions Research found that one in three projects meet this fate. But don’t lose hope just yet. The good news is that with the right touch, these numbers flip. Nearly three-quarters of these failing projects can succeed with help.

The usual suspects for project failure include unclear goals, not enough materials, too tight deadlines, poor plans, and hidden dangers. Overcoming these challenges depends on having the correct project management expertise. Those who do their projects with highly skilled leaders see a 50% boost over those with less skilled ones.

What makes our solution stand out for turning around troubled projects? We’ve got strategies, methods, and best tips on deck. These have rescued many projects and brought them back from the brink. Let’s explore how we’ve made it work over and over again.

Turning Around Troubled Projects: Our Expert Approach

Turning Around Troubled Projects: Our Expert Approach


Key Takeaways

  • Project failures are common, with nearly a third of projects at risk of failing.
  • The top causes of project failure include unclear requirements, lack of resources, unrealistic schedules, poor planning, and unidentified risks.
  • Providing a qualified and experienced project manager is a key critical success factor in project recovery.
  • Project recovery can offer significant benefits, such as cost savings, improved project outcomes, and enhanced stakeholder satisfaction.
  • Our expert approach leverages proven methodologies and highly skilled project managers to turn around troubled projects effectively.

Identifying Signs of a Troubled Project

It’s crucial to spot the early signs of trouble in a project. Doing so can help avoid big monetary losses and enable quick fixes. Our studies show key things to watch for in projects that could fail.

Financial Risk Indicators

If a project’s budget might go over by more than 10%, that’s a red flag. It shows the initial estimates might have been wrong. The project might also have too many changes or not enough resources. Also, if the work hours are much more than what was planned, it could be a financial problem.

Scope Creep and Change Management Issues

Too many changes in the project scope past a certain point can signal danger. It might lead to more spending and delays. Keeping a close eye on how much the project changes is key to spotting trouble early.

Schedule Delays and Milestone Misses

If there’s a big gap in time—more than 5%—between when something was supposed to be done and when it’s done, it’s bad news. Missing these goals often can up the costs and shake trust. It’s important to constantly check how well the project’s time plan is going.

Creating solid ways to see these early warnings can help. This way, a team can find and fix project problems before they get worse. Using hard data to track project performance can be a lifesaver, helping to stop issues before they blow up.

Turning around troubled projects

Project management can be tough, especially when projects hit hard times. To make projects work again, teams need a solid plan. They must use the best project management methods and have skilled project leaders.

These leaders should find out why the project went wrong. Then, they need to set up a good plan to fix it. This way, projects not only survive but also thrive.

Project Recovery Processes and Methodologies

Our studies show that without good project methods, projects are more likely to fail. And without a process to fix them, the odds get even worse. The PM Solutions Project Review and Recovery Process Model is a top way to get struggling projects back on track.

This model says to check the project deeply. Then, make a clear plan to fix it. And always watch and control the fixes to be sure they work.

The Role of Skilled Project Managers

Smart project leaders are key in saving troubled projects. They’re not just good at managing tasks. They’re also great at dealing with people and solving problems.

By using their skills in planning, managing resources, and solving issues, they can turn projects around. They guide the team and make sure the project works well again.

Stakeholder Communication and Management

Giving the project’s supporters clear and honest updates is crucial in fixing projects. This includes the project leaders, team members, and anyone else involved. Building their trust back and getting them to support the fixes is vital.

Speaking to them often, involving them, and addressing their concerns directly are big helps. This can bring back their trust and support. With their help, it’s easier to get a project working well again.

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Root Causes of Project Failure

It’s key to know the root causes of project failure to fix troubled projects. Studies point out the top five issues: unclear or ambiguous requirements, lack of resources and poor planning, unrealistic schedules and estimates, insufficient or poor planning, and unidentified and unmanaged risks.

The Standish Group’s CHAOS studies show two big issues in IT projects that lead to many failures: lack of executive and stakeholder involvement. Addressing these issues is crucial for project recovery.

Unclear or Ambiguous Requirements

A main root cause of project failure is unclear or ambiguous requirements. Not knowing the project’s goals and benchmarks makes it hard to finish the project as wanted.

Resource Constraints and Planning Deficiencies

Resource constraints and poor planning also lead to project failure. Not having enough people, expertise, or money hurts a project’s ability to succeed. Proper planning is vital to make sure a project gets the resources it needs.

Unrealistic Schedules and Estimates

Setting unrealistic schedules and estimates is another big problem. Unrealistic timelines and budgets lead to late finishes and overspent money.

Unidentified and Unmanaged Risks

Not spotting and handling project risks can ruin even well-planned projects. Unexpected problems can throw a project off track. Managing risks well is key to project success.

Organizations can improve project outcomes by dealing with these root causes of project failure.

Leveraging Project Management Expertise

Getting a project back on track needs a skilled project management team. Studies show having highly skilled managers boosts performance by nearly 50%.

Leadership Skills for Building Trust and Relationships

Recovering a project isn’t just about the technical side. It’s also about having leaders who can build trust and strong relationships. In top organizations, project leaders are known for their integrity, building trust with others, and improving teamwork.

These leaders can quickly rebuild trust with everyone involved. This is key to fixing a project that’s in trouble. They make sure everyone knows what’s going on and feels confident the project will succeed.

Technical Project Management Competencies

High-performing project managers also need solid technical skills. They’re better at planning, dealing with risks, making sure the work is high quality, and using resources well, says a 2015 study.

These skills help them spot what’s going wrong in a project fast. They can then make a full plan to fix it and see it through. Their deep knowledge and use of tools make sure the job gets done right.


Having both leadership and technical know-how makes a big difference in fixing projects. By training and growing these abilities in the team, companies are set to handle their toughest projects effectively.

Strategies for Successful Project Turnaround

When a project faces big obstacles, a strong turnaround plan is crucial for its success. We have found several strategies that can help organizations overcome challenges and get projects back on the right path.

Redefining Project Scope and Justification

Top project recovery studies point to redefining and financially justifying the project as key. It’s important to adjust the project’s scope to realistic goals. This can help rebuild stakeholder trust and direct the team’s focus on what truly matters. Project scope redefinition and project justification are vital for fixing troubled projects.

Resource Optimization and Technical Issue Resolution

Optimizing resources and dealing with technical problems are critical in a turnaround. It means looking closely at who is working on the project, and adjusting this team as necessary. Also, it includes solving any big technical issues. This helps the team work more effectively towards project goals.

Establishing a Project Recovery Plan

A solid project recovery plan is at the core of project turnaround success. This plan details how to check the project’s current status, find main problems, validate remaining work, and adjust project execution. Having this recovery plan is key for project triage, project revitalization, and distressed project transformation.

By using these effective project turnaround strategies, organizations can successfully bring troubled projects back to life. This results in projects that meet their goals and please their stakeholders.


Fixing projects that are in trouble is a big challenge for many. But, it’s also a chance to save a lot of money and make projects successful. By using expert project management and strong recovery plans, we can turn things around and have successful projects.

This article showed several key strategies for fixing troubled projects. These include having skilled project managers and talking openly with everyone involved. We also need to make the best use of resources. By following these plans, we can limit the damage of project failures and meet our goals.

Project rescue efforts and turning around distressed projects can work wonders. By fixing the main issues and getting help from top project managers, we can make poor projects successful. This not only saves projects but also brings good results for our companies.