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Handling Investigations by Registrar of Companies » ACG11

Handling Investigations by Registrar of Companies

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12 Aug - 23 Aug, 2024Live Online10 Days$4095Register
04 Nov - 06 Nov, 2024Live Online3 Days$1400Register
15 Jul - 19 Jul, 2024Dubai5 Days$4250Register
12 Aug - 16 Aug, 2024Dubai5 Days$4250Register
26 Aug - 06 Sep, 2024Nairobi10 Days$8225Register
16 Sep - 20 Sep, 2024Dubai5 Days$4250Register
07 Oct - 11 Oct, 2024Dubai5 Days$4250Register
25 Nov - 27 Nov, 2024Dubai3 Days$3250Register
02 Dec - 06 Dec, 2024Dubai5 Days$4250Register

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Course Overview

How do you inspect a company?

In every organization and company, highly trained professionals are always required to manage concerns such as allegations of bullying, theft, fraud, harassment, and many more. Participants undergoing this training on handling investigations will acquire multiple competencies. These include operating, managing and resolving crises justly and within the provision of the company’s policies and regulatory frameworks. These must be achieved without the risk of reprisal or exposing the company to external litigation. As a participant, what you will gain will be limited to investigation processes and the requisite skills for effective communication, evidence handling, analysis, and report writing. Other skills to learn include, but are not limited to, crime scene management, evidence gathering, interrogation skills, convening the right team, and many more.

How do you conduct the investigation under the Companies Act?

The Zoe Talent Solution course will certify the trainee with the proper skills required for the Registrars of Companies to handle investigations. The training entails all the essentials of carrying out and conducting investigations thoroughly, thus equipping you with the requisite knowledge and courage to take responsibilities in this field. Similarly, you will gain more opportunities to implement your skills and prospects. The certificate will also open opportunities for career growth and several other options across a variety of industries.

Course Objectives

This training on handling investigation by registrars conducted by Zoe Talent solutions is set to achieve the following objectives:

  • The Law: Have a good understanding of the law. This knowledge will help you guide the investigation process, choice of investigation approach, ethics, and jurisdiction
  • Dynamics: As soon as the training ends, you will get to know other workplace misconducts and their dynamics
  • Psychology: It involves understanding the mental state of the victim and how they are affected by the circumstance
  • Investigation: This involves knowledge of strategy and steps involved in carrying out comprehensive investigation and analysis
  • Interview: It involves asking the right questions, listening actively without interference, approaching with defined strategies, crafting customized questions, and many more
  • Credibility Assessment: It involves having adequate knowledge of the credibility of information, evidence, and witnesses. This will assist you in detecting deception and further aid you in such analysis
  • Bias: It involves reducing partiality during your investigation, having knowledge of the varieties of workplace crime, misconducts, and violations. Also, it involves handling each variant according to its nature and specifics
  • Report Writing: It involves understanding the techniques of writing an investigative report based on the gathered evidence and analysis. Further, it involves the knowledge of what should be included in such a report and what should not

Training Methodology

All the courses offered by Zoe Talent solutions are custom-made according to the training patrons. Hence, it is customary to review the modules before the beginning of each session. For each domain, there is a well-versed professional responsible for delivering the training. A symbiotic engagement is encouraged by projects, group tasks, observational learning, detailed analysis, and many more, which constitutes the fundamental part of the course.

Do–Review–Learn–Apply Model is the mixed, unique approach to training by Zoe Talent Solutions.

Organisational Benefits

Significant benefits of letting Zoe Talent Solution provide your organization’s Registrars with professional training include:

  • Access to all workplace laws governing your organization’s operations and training in their practical applicability. Some of these laws include labour laws, FMLA regulations, and civil rights laws
  • Comprehensive training on different happenings that would occur and create a need for workplace investigation
  • Equipping trainees to investigate different types of company wrongdoing, infractions, and other violent incidents
  • Obtaining the expertise required to orderly and adequately handle all the stages and procedures of investigative processes

Personal Benefits

Professionals that are going to partake in this training will benefit in many ways, such as:

  • Obtaining a good grasp and comprehensive information about workplace misconduct investigations and the processes involved
  • Substantial knowledge to conduct an investigation, handle complaints, conduct investigation, and resolve issues
  • Improved confidence to consult past but similar records to ensure that things follow set standards, policies, and regulations
  • Enhanced prudence to handle the process with fairness without exposing the company to external legal actions
  • Improved knowledge and confidence to train other professionals on essential workplace violations, harassment, and misconduct
  • A sense of pride from contributing to organizational credibility and development through improved management of complaints and investigation
  • Tremendous potential to manage organizational reputation

Who Should Attend?

  • Senior management members of an organization involved in decision making
  • Employees participating in handling investigations for the organization
  • Registrars responsible for spearheading the investigation
  • Legal consultants and advisors responsible for making sure that the organization follow due process and all regulations
  • Any professional across any profile with an ambition to pursue a career as a registrar
  • Any other professional with of having certification as someone that can handle intra-company investigations

Course Outline

The course covers the following areas crucial for particularly registrars looking to obtain a certificate in handling investigations.

Module 1: Introduction and Definition

  • Identify the purpose of an investigation
  • Requirements and management of investigations
  • Timeframe and policies guiding the processes of investigation

Module 2: The Dynamics of Workplace Crime

  • Types of Workplace Crime
  • Fraud
  • Law of Harassment
  • Strategies and prevention mechanisms

Module 3: Basic Investigation Procedure

Module 4: Team Selection and Budgeting

  • Who should be involved?
  • Selection criteria
  • Allocation of roles
  • Requirements of Budgeting
  • Budgeting

Module 5 – Conducting Investigation

  • Team division
  • Method and procedures
  • Investigation management
  • Receiving formal grievance/complaints
  • The practical aspect of the investigation

Module 6: Jurisdiction and Law Enforcement

  • The Law speaks
  • Who is a suspect?
  • Witnesses and informants
  • Details of protection
  • Internal committee jurisdictions
  • Law enforcement

Module 7: Investigative Interviewing

  • Interview preparations
  • Do’s and Don’ts of asking questions
  • Interview techniques
  • Facts and emotions
  • The challenging questions

Module 8: Evidence and Crime Scene

  • Evidence handling
  • Weighing evidence
  • Information management
  • Assessing credibility
  • Crime scene management

Module 9: Surveillance and Fact-Finding

  • Surveillance Techniques
  • Factual findings
  • Revisiting information

Module 10: Evaluation

  • Data cleaning
  • Analysing information gathered
  • Analysis of Evidence

Module 11: Conclusion

  • Report writing
  • What to include in the report?
  • Priorities of action
  • Recommendation

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