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Customer Complaints Handling and Management Training Course » CS09

Customer Complaints Handling and Management Training Course

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10 Mar - 14 Mar, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
21 Apr - 25 Apr, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
18 May - 22 May, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
16 Jun - 20 Jun, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
28 Jul - 01 Aug, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
25 Aug - 29 Aug, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
15 Sep - 19 Sep, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
13 Oct - 24 Oct, 2025Live Online10 Days$7050Register
03 Dec - 05 Dec, 2025Live Online3 Days$2290Register
07 Dec - 11 Dec, 2025Live Online5 Days$3350Register
24 Feb - 28 Feb, 2025London5 Days$5905Register
03 Mar - 07 Mar, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
24 Mar - 28 Mar, 2025Victoria - Seychelles5 Days$5475Register
31 Mar - 04 Apr, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
07 Apr - 11 Apr, 2025Toronto5 Days$6570Register
28 Apr - 02 May, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
19 May - 23 May, 2025London5 Days$5905Register
01 Jun - 05 Jun, 2025Riyadh5 Days$5475Register
02 Jun - 06 Jun, 2025Kigali5 Days$5475Register
02 Jun - 06 Jun, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
30 Jun - 04 Jul, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
14 Jul - 18 Jul, 2025Addis Ababa5 Days$5475Register
28 Jul - 01 Aug, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
11 Aug - 15 Aug, 2025Kampala5 Days$5475Register
18 Aug - 22 Aug, 2025Singapore5 Days$6570Register
18 Aug - 22 Aug, 2025London5 Days$5905Register
08 Sep - 12 Sep, 2025Nairobi10 Days$10825Register
08 Sep - 12 Sep, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
29 Sep - 03 Oct, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
03 Nov - 07 Nov, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
16 Nov - 20 Nov, 2025Riyadh5 Days$5475Register
24 Nov - 28 Nov, 2025London5 Days$5905Register
01 Dec - 05 Dec, 2025Dubai5 Days$5475Register
15 Dec - 17 Dec, 2025Mauritius3 Days$4215Register

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Course Overview

In which ever best possible way you run your business, you will at-least once, find a customer with an unhappy face or a dissatisfied review. The most impeccable business will also face a customer complaint once in a while. We need to know that customer complaints exist due to the different perceptions and expectations mismatch between the customer and the organisation. It’s natural to have a perception and expectation, likes and dislikes.

What is customer complaint handling?

There will be times, when the customers will call in with some grievance and concerns from time to time or sometimes with just mere expectations that are unfulfilled from the perspective of positive customer service. What becomes very crucial is for the employee to understand and address each grievance with complete respect and empathy.

How can you improve customer handling skills?

Improving customer handling, company’s reputation, enhancing the brand value and client retention are some of the most critical goals of any organisation. Embracing each criticism as a constructive and positive way to improve ourselves to get out there and serve our customers better is the key to excelling in customer service. There are various kinds of customers, and handling them and creating successful interactions becomes absolutely necessary. Remember the customer who complains probably is interested maintaining a relationship and is actually helping us grow!

This Customer Complaints Handling and Management Training course from Zoe Talent Solutions will empower you with the chance to grow your customer service skills. You will be able to go the extra mile, and this is critical for every industry to prosper today!

Course Objectives

This Customer Complaints Handling and Management Training Course equips you to develop crucial customer-facing skills. It will help you enhance your confidence levels in order to improve your handling of the customer complaints. This program works towards the enrichment of the customer relationship, retention and loyalty. The aim of this program is to provide participants with critical skills and help build the confidence and offer a satisfactory solution that helps build customer retention.

Upon completing this Customers Complaints Handling and Management Training Course successfully, participants will be able to:

  • Build skills in building rapport and understand the customer requirements
  • Empathize with the customer while understanding his requirements
  • Learn to be a proactive listener and gauge the understanding by using listening skills
  • Work on their body language and gestures in order to showcase a professional approach
  • Understand the customer expectations and work towards exceeding them
  • Defuse the emotional reactions by difficult customers
  • Interact with the customer using effective communication skills
  • Identify their approach towards customers complaints
  • Use a customer centric approach
  • Convert the customers with complaints into champions who would showcase loyalty

Training Methodology

This Customer Complaints Handling and Management training course will comprise of the following training methods:

  • Presentations
  • Role plays
  • Group Discussions
  • Lectures & Seminar Method
  • Assignments
  • Activities
  • Polls
  • Surveys
  • Whiteboard interaction
  • Case Studies & Functional Exercises
  • On the spot Coaching

The program is designed to be structured and detailed for the benefit of each participant. Following a two-way communication, we work with the participant to ensure that they are able to get a practical experience of customer interaction.

At Zoe, we use the ‘Do-Review-Learn-Apply’ model.

Organisational Benefits

Every organisation believes in keeping their brand name high and retaining customer loyalty at all times. Yet every single organisation is faced with customer complaints one or the other time and has to deal with them. If you are an organisation who believes that you want to keep the brand value high and do not want the customers to go unhappy, this program is for you and your employees. This Customer Complaints Handling and Management training course works with the individuals to work with the customers to understand their complaints, build rapport, work with them to serve them by understanding their reason of the challenges being faced and the pain areas in order to ensure satisfied customers.

As an organisation who wants to enhance their customer satisfaction index scores should look at nominating their employees for this program.

Organisations who nominate their employees to participate in this Customer Complaints Handling and Management training course can benefit in the following ways:

  • Be able to better serve the customers with complaints
  • Have customers who feel that they matter
  • Increased C Sat (Customer Satisfaction) scores
  • Have the employees create trust credibility and respect with the customer
  • Have the employees build rapport with the customers and enhance their interpersonal skills
  • Use Customer Centric responses when interacting with the customer
  • Be able to deal with the customers complaints in a successful manner
  • Organisation will be noted for going the extra mile in customer support
  • Better the overall customer interaction experience

Personal Benefits

The aim of this course is to enable and empower an individual to better handle customer complaints. The customer complaints are increasing and so are the organisational demands which leads to increase in stress. The individual will be able to develop skills to deal with difficult customers by attending this program.

Individuals who participate in this Customer Complaints Handling and Management training course can gain from it in the following ways:

  • Build better rapport with the customers
  • Understand customer requirements in detail
  • Know who the customer is and what do they expect?
  • Deal with customers complaints and turn them into successful interactions
  • Have reduction in the complaints from customers and focus on customer satisfaction
  • Excel in the customer interactions

Who Should Attend?

  • Personnel dealing directly with customers
  • Customer Complaints Teams
  • Customer Service / Sales Teams
  • Customer Complaints – Escalations Department
  • Customer Complaints Call Centre Employees
  • Customer facing – Team managers
  • Customer Service – Quality Coaches, Trainers and Supervisors

Course Outline

MODULE 1: Build Rapport and connect with your customer

  • Use conversational language to your advantage
  • Build a connect with the customer
  • Ask questions to build an innerview
  • Understanding customer expectations
  • Create a successful interaction with the customer

 MODULE 2:  Customer Service Principles

  • Understand their requirement
  • Know the customer service principles
  • Set the foundation with the pillars of customer service
  • Set a professional approach towards defining their experience

 MODULE 3: Create Trust Credibility & Respect

  • Set the importance of building trust with the customers
  • Stakeholder credibility management
  • Knowing which one is key – trust credibility or respect

MODULE 4: Build the Right Attitude

  • Find out about knowledge skill and attitude
  • Build the right attitude and develop success
  • Show the approach of gratitude
  • Focus on the positives
  • Invoke the conversation with a peaceful approach
  • See the perspective of giving with joy
  • Recognize your abilities and areas of growth

MODULE 5: Develop Empathy

  • Recognize the critical role of listening in customer service
  • Know the different levels of listening
  • Acknowledgment of needs
  • Working on active empathy
  • Customer Conflicts and Managing Disputes

MODULE 6: Communication Skills

  • A two-way communication
  • Types and Impact of communication styles
  • Understand how communication works and doesn’t work
  • Recognize the filters to communication
  • How to overcome communication barriers?
  • Recognize the importance of non-verbal communication
  • Body Language – Radiating a Positive Energy

MODULE 7: Dealing with Customers complaints

  • Complaint resolution through active listening
  • Go beyond the obvious to support the customer
  • Bring in sensitivity in dealing with customers complaints
  • Defuse the anger and create successful relationship

MODULE 8: Handling Customer Complaints 

  • Understanding the different kind of complaints
  • Bring in creativity in solving the customer problems
  • Create a structure to deal with conflicts and complaints
  • The thirty second rule
  • Reduce the number of complaints
  • Create customer – champions

MODULE 9: Customer Centric – Resolve Customer Complaints Model

  • Learn the 4-step approach to handling customer complaints
  • Defuse the emotional responses by the customer when making complaints
  • Handle complaints effectively
  • Review complaints and focus on satisfaction
  • Create a win – win for the customer and your organisation

Participant Reviews
Emma Chepchirchir Lagat
The tutors understand their student’s needs as far as learning is concerned. Learning materials are readily available. They offer a comprehensive and detailed teaching model.
Kibibi Ramadhan Kajembe
I want to thank Zoe's management for the well-organized training they offered us as Kenya Airports Authority staff. The content, venue, Mr. Ahmed Sami, Mr. Mevrick Noronha and refreshments were exquisite. Keep it up, Zoe Talent Solutions
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